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About darkwizard

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  1. http://www.e-jacks.com kathe klik metraei.
  2. nazghoul, MASTROPOS xaxa, etsi pame dinamika! To site apektise kai fun club tora :P Oso gia to category me ta full games,tha borouse na ginei ena , me tin proipothesi oti tha prepei na eisai registered gia na to blepeis. (gia na min mas blepei o googlis :P)
  3. How to bot on official C5!!! Please download version0.5.1 here: l2asrv051.zip What is new: +--------------------------------------------------------------- + 2006/09/29 0.51 version released + 1.Fix only first user name display bug + (MD5:75f8eba6528a1fb6b637ba520399431a) +--------------------------------------------------------------- + 2006/09/28 0.5 version released + 1.Support L2walker 10.7.4 + (MD5:58499e092dc8ddee9ea4fafa7d4f8389) +--------------------------------------------------------------- steps: 1.Modify hosts file vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com 2.start l2asrv.exe 3.start l2walker
  4. Well here are some ListID A Grade. Whit this u ony will need the ItemID For those who dont know how to use this u just need to Hex the number in hlapex Weapom ListID's (S) S/Hands Swords:9045 D/Hands Swords:9046 Dual Swords:9047 Daggers:9048 Bows:9049 Fists:9050 Poleams:9051 S/H Blunts:9052 D/H Blunts:9053 Armos ListID's (S) Helmets:9054 Chest:9055 Fullarmors9056 Legs:9057 Gloves:9058 Boots:9059 Shields:9060 Underwears:9061 Weapom ListID's [A] Bow [A]:9040 Fist [A]:9041 D/Hands Sword [A]:9037 Duals Sword [A]:9038 Dagger [A]:9039 Polearms [A]:9042 Single Hands Bluns [A]:9043 D/Hands Bluns [A]:9044 Armor ListID's [A] Helmets [A]:9063 Chest [A]:9064 Fullarmors [A]:9065 Legs [A]:9066 Gloves [A]:9067 Boots [A]:9068 Shields [A]:9069 Cloaks [A]:9070 UnderWears [A]:9071 Weapoms ListID's S/H Swords:9027 D/H Swords:9028 Dual Swords:9029 Daggers:9030 Bows:9031 Fists:9032 Polearms:9033 S/H Blunts:9034 D/H Blunts:9035 Armos ListID's Helmets:9072 Chest:9073 FullArmors9074 Legs:9075 Gloves:9076 Boots:9077 Shields:9078 Cloaks:9079 Underwears:9080 Weapom ListID's [C] S/H swords:9018 D/H Swords:9019 Dual Swords:9020 Dagger:9021 Bows:9022 Fists:9023 Poleams:9024 S/H Blunts:9025 D/H Blunts:9026 Armor ListID [C] Helmets:9081 Chest:9082 Fullarmos:9083 Legs:9084 Gloves:9085 Boots:9086 Shields:9087 Cloak:9088 Underwears:9089 ItemID's List Full Set Dark Crystal Robe + Weapom & Shield & Sword Of Miracles + Acumen ListID: 9065 ItemID: 2407 (Dark Crystal Robe [A]) Armor ListID: 9068 ItemID: 5779 (Dark Crystal Boots [A]) Boots ListID: 9067 ItemID: 5767 (Dark Crystal Gloves [A]) Gloves ListID: 9063 ItemID: 512 (Dark Crystal Helmet [A]) Helmet ListID: 9036 ItemID: 5643 (Sword of Miracles [A]) Sword Of Miracles + Acumen ListID: 9069 ItemID: 641 (Dark Crystal Shield [A]) Dark Crystal Shield Majesti Light Armor [A] + SoulBow Cheap SHot ListID: 9065 ItemID: 2395 (Majestic Leather Armor [A]) ListID: 9063 ItemID: 2419 (Majestic Circlet [A]) ListID: 9068 ItemID: 5787 (Majestic Boots [A]) ListID: 9067 ItemID: 5775 (Majestic Gloves [A]) ListID: 9040 ItemID: 5611 (Soul Bow [A]) + Cheap Shot OthersID's List 1.Jewels NoGrade: 9108 Grade D:9109 Grade C:9110 Grade B:9125 Grade A:9126 Grade S:9127 2.Pet Collars And Consumables 3003 3.Dyes 9128 ItemID: 4624 (Dye Wit+4 Men-4) - 1F A8230000 01 00 00 00 10120000 01 00 00 00 ItemID: 4613 (Dye Str+4 Con-4) - 1F A8230000 01 00 00 00 05120000 01 00 00 00 ItemID: 4618 (Dye Dex+4 Con-4) - 1F A8230000 01 00 00 00 0A120000 01 00 00 00 ItemID: 4619 (Dye Int+4 Men-4) - 1F A8230000 01 00 00 00 0B120000 01 00 00 00 ItemID: 4615 (Dye Con+4 Str-4) - 1F A8230000 01 00 00 00 07120000 01 00 00 00 QuestItemsID's List 1.Job Change:9148 2.Quest Items [1]:9149 [2]:300539 [3]:300530 [4]:300540 [5]:300541 [6]:300542 L2Day - Blessed Ressurrruction scroll pets 6387 L2Day - Blessed Ressurrruction scroll 3936 L2Day - Blessed scroll escape 3958 1F 59230000 01000000 DB190000 01000000 Infinity Bow 1F 56230000 01000000 D4190000 01000000 Infinity cleaver 1F 5D230000 01000000 D7190000 01000000 Infinity Crusher 1F 5D230000 01000000 D8190000 01000000 Infinity Scepter 1F 55230000 01000000 D3190000 01000000 Infinity Blade 1F 5C230000 01000000 D6190000 01000000 Infinity Rod 1F 5C230000 01000000 D5190000 01000000 Infinity Axe 1F 5B230000 01000000 DD190000 01000000 Infinity Spear 1F 57230000 01000000 DC190000 01000000 Infinity wing 1F 58230000 01000000 D9190000 01000000 Infinity Stinger 1F 5A230000 01000000 DA190000 01000000 Infinity Fang 1F 3E230000 01000000 D6120000 01000000 eminence_bow_guidance 1F 4F230000 01000000 F2150000 01000000 soul_separator_critical_damage L2Day - Blessed Ressurrruction scroll pets 6387 L2Day - Blessed Ressurrruction scroll 3936 L2Day - Blessed scroll escape 3958 ItemID: 4422 (Dragon Bugle of Wind) ItemID: 6313 (Homunkulus's Sword [C]) ItemID: 2511 (Spiritshot: C-grade) ItemID: 2512 (Spiritshot: B-grade) Dragonic Set Helmet 1f 5E230000 01 00 00 00 EE180000 01 00 00 00 Gloves 1f 62230000 01 00 00 00 EC180000 01 00 00 00 Boots 1f 63230000 01 00 00 00 ED180000 01 00 00 00 Fullarmor 1f 60230000 01 00 00 00 EB180000 01 00 00 00 Bow Focus 1f 59230000 01 00 00 00 991D0000 01 00 00 00 Jewels 1f A7230000 01 00 00 00 021A0000 01 00 00 00 - Ring OF Baium 1f A7230000 01 00 00 00 001A0000 01 00 00 00 - Earring of Antharas 1f A7230000 01 00 00 00 011A0000 01 00 00 00 - Necklace Of Valakas 1f A7230000 01000000 031A0000 01000000 - Zaken earring 1F A5230000 01000000 041A0000 01000000 - Ring of Ant Queen SS craft AF45010000 - bssb AF44010000 - bssc AF17000000 - ssa AF16000000 - ssb AF15000000 - ssc blessed enchant armor: d: 6576 c: 6574 b: 6572 - 1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AC190000 01 00 00 00 a: 6570 - 1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AA190000 01 00 00 00 s: 6578 - 1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 B2190000 01 00 00 00 blessed enchant weapon: d: 6575 c: 6573 - 1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AD190000 01 00 00 00 b: 6571 - 1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AB190000 01 00 00 00 a: 6569 - 1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 A9190000 01 00 00 00 s: 6577 - 1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 B1190000 01 00 00 00 . Enjoi And Have Fun! Thx cepheid For the Help xD
  5. hLaPex Its a Explorer that you use to decode the pack From server And CLinet that they send each other ok lets get start it.. 1.You need to put the hLaPex in ur System folder 2.Start hLaPex Before Statin Your client so When u join the Game it Should said this Well ok i see that You Guys Are Havin Problem Whit the "Gettin Items" & "Multiple Class skill Mixin" *Getting Items Well ok First u need to know Two Importan Things To make This Action 1. Its the ListID from the Item You wanna Get! 2. Its The ItemID The code to make this action its make in 4 Part 1. 1F = Request To Buy 2. ListID = The place that the ID is in the Server Files or Shop 3. ItemID = The ID off item U want 4. 01 00 00 = the mount u wanna to get of the Item *IMPORTAM* Always remmeber that the ListID have to be the one where is You item in the Shop Lets have Fun Now *Makin the Code First u need to do the Request to the server "1F" Put the rest of ur Code Examplo: 1F "ListID" 01 00 00 00 "ItemID" "Mount Of THe Item" Lets use This Code For test ListID: 9036 ItemID: 5643 Sword of Miracles [A] Sword Of Miracles + Acumen OK we got this 9036 For ListID 5643 For ItemID this code its the same One u have in the files But you cant use them in hLaPex u need to conver them to be avilable to use them Here is what You need to do In The version that im use Is in the Explorer Tab There You will see this You need to use This part to Conver the Code First lets do the ListID You Need to Put the ListID number in the Intenger 9036 Hex 4C230000 The code that we need is in the Hex Part here is a Pic OK Lest Save the New Code "4C230000" Now Lets Do the Same Think for the ItemID "5643" Now we have the ItemID 0B160000 Lets Make the Code 1F 4C230000 01 00 00 00 0B160000 01 00 00 00 Ok Now We Have the Code for The Sword of Miracles [A]) Sword Of Miracles + Acumen To Use this Code u need to target an NCP some people Use The GMShop Always Go to a Started Town and Target A weapon Trader Enjoi and Have Fun! Credits goes to pwNy00all
  6. doenst work too
  7. First of all you need a working L2Walker, in my example i used L2Walker 10.2.3 with Walker Patcher by sauron. Second you need this great tool artmoney715eng.exe that can be found here: http://www.artmoney.ru/e_download_se.htm .After you connect to your server , try to talk to any npc you want to reveal its htm code. For example: Event Manager from Idragon 2nd Server : Then run "ArtMoney SE v7.15" and you will see the window.Select Process like show in pic: L2Walker bla bla Then click the button "Search" , and follow steps as shown in pic: 1. Search : Exact Value 2. Value : <html> 3. Select Type 4. Encoding -> Click UNICODE 5. Click OK After you click OK you will see this: Click memory editor and finally youve got the code you needed! and
  8. http://rapidshare.de/files/8079786/L2Helper_chit.zip.html
  9. - All Cheats RUSSIAN - Cheatzone RUSSIAN DOWN - Cheaters.com.ru RUSSIAN DOWN - GameHAQS ENGLISH - Elitepvpers ENGLISH - Cheatworld RUSSIAN New
  10. Квест называется The Hunt of Black Lion, ID = 333 Карго сдаются Guildsman Morgan - он за них дает гилд коины + деньги, от числа гилд коинов зависит цена которую он заплатит за карго. Больше 300а + 1 гилд коин не дает зараза.
  11. Download here: Download Dwarf Resource Creator v1.0 Uses: Create Soulshots, Spiritshots, along with other resources while afk. Will pause the item creation process when mana falls below a certain point and start back up when mana is full. *Note* Do not move mouse during crafting process, it will be controlled with the program. Use F11 to stop creating items anytime. Works with any resolution(tested in windowed mode only). No rest option because you don't have to stand to create, better to stay sitting. How to use: -Be sure to 'Initialize' the interface before starting!(important) -Choose the item you want to create from the drop down menu. -Choose the hotkey that you have your recipe set to ingame. -Set how many times you want the item created. (Set a few extra cycles incase some are skipped due to mana routine) -Press start. Stuff to add: -More recipes. -Better Mana monitoring (get exact numbers)
  12. Wanna be a russian ingame? LOl HERE: Copy and Replace!
  13. To activate you need these files: Here -------------------------------------------- This file was translated from russian: // Operating instructions of exploit "Texture hack". // Transfer and addition ReadMe + screenshot of --- Navern. // Enumeration of the files of the archive: 1. Frame view.jpg 2. No textures.jpg 3. ReadMe.txt 4. slacker1off.txt 5. slacker1on.txt 6. user.ini // You will move all files from the archive into the folder/system your root catalog with the game. Before the copying you will be convinced, that made a reserve copy of file "user.ini "for the possibility of the subsequent removal of eksploita. - for activating exploit it is necessary: 1. To include the game 2. To activate account and character 3. To visit into the game 4. To open the play tuning 5. In the tuning to find supplementary sheet "Game" 6. To find tuning "Enter Chat" 7. To note by galochkami all (2) points to the right of this option 8. To preserve options, after harvesting button "OK" 9. To harvest button "PageUp" on the keyboard // Programmed keys for control eksploitom: 1. NumPad 1: The initial mapping of the peace returns 2. NumPad 2: Is transferred game into the frame regime (see skrinshot "Frame view.jpg") 3. NumPad 3: The prohibition of textures (see skrinshot "No textures.jpg") 4. NumPad 4: Regime of the prohibition of the illumination 5. NumPad 5: Prohibition of mapping the static textures of objects 1 6. NumPad 6: Prohibition of mapping the static textures of objects 2 7. NumPad 7: Special regime of mapping textures 1 8. NumPad 8: Special regime of mapping textures 2 9. NumPad 9: Special regime of mapping textures 3 10. NumPad +: Increases the speed of character * 11. NumPad -: Decreases the speed of character * 12. Spacebar: Sharply increases the speed of run *; control with the aid of the pointers on the keyboard 13. PageUp: Start of exploit 14. PageDown: Disconnection of exploit, the discharge of all buttons * speed grows, however, server will reject you back through the equal time intervals. It is checked. // Additional possibilities of eksploita: 1. Zoom hack. Increase in the distance of the distance of camera. // Councils for the use of eksploita: 1. In the large cities, where there are many people to optimally use a frame regime for an increase in the general productivity and speed of mapping data. 2. To uselessly use an increase in the speed. There is no eventual result. 3. In the frame regime it is possible to glance through the walls. 4. Also in the frame regime it is possible to see forgotten lut. It is easily noticeable against its black background (it it is isolated yellow). ------------------------- Original text: // Инструкция по эксплуатации эксплоита "Texture hack". // Перевод и дополнение ReadMe + скриншоты --- Navern. // Перечень файлов архива: 1. Frame view.jpg 2. No textures.jpg 3. ReadMe.txt 4. slacker1off.txt 5. slacker1on.txt 6. user.ini // Переместите все файлы из архива в папку /system вашего корневого каталога с игрой. Перед копированием убедитесь, что сделали резервную копию файла "user.ini" для возможности последующего удаления эксплоита. - Для активизации эксплоита необходимо: 1. Включить игру 2. Активировать аккаунт и персонажа 3. Зайти в игру 4. Открыть игровые настройки 5. В настройках найти вкладку "Game" 6. Найти настройку "Enter Chat" 7. Отметить галочками все (2) пункты справа от этой опции 8. Сохранить опции, нажав кнопку "ОК" 9. Нажать кнопку "PageUp" на клавиатуре // Запрограммированные клавиши управления эксплоитом: 1. NumPad 1: Возвращает исходное отображение мира 2. NumPad 2: Переводит игру во фреймовый режим (см. скриншот "Frame view.jpg") 3. NumPad 3: Запрет текстур (см. скриншот "No textures.jpg") 4. NumPad 4: Режим запрета освещения 5. NumPad 5: Запрет отображения статичных текстур объектов 1 6. NumPad 6: Запрет отображения статичных текстур объектов 2 7. NumPad 7: Особый режим отображения текстур 1 8. NumPad 8: Особый режим отображения текстур 2 9. NumPad 9: Особый режим отображения текстур 3 10. NumPad +: Увеличивает скорость персонажа* 11. NumPad -: Уменьшает скорость персонажа* 12. Spacebar: Резко увеличивает скорость бега*; управление с помощью стрелок на клавиатуре 13. PageUp: Включение эксплоита 14. PageDown: Выключение эксплоита, сброс всех кнопок *Скорость возрастает, однако сервер будет отбрасывать вас назад через равные промежутки времени. Проверено. // Дополнительные возможности эксплоита: 1. Zoom hack. Увеличение дальности отдаления камеры. // Советы по использованию эксплоита: 1. В крупных городах, где много людей оптимально использовать фреймовый режим для увеличения общей производительности и скорости отображения данных. 2. Бесполезно использовать увеличение скорости. Конечного результата нет. 3. Во фреймовом режиме можно заглядывать через стены. 4. Также во фреймовом режиме можно видеть забытый лут. На чёрном фоне его легко заметно (он выделен жёлтым).
  14. Basically, attempt to enchant your weapon about 30 seconds before the Server shuts down. If the enchant is successful, LOG OFF. It will save your weapon. If it is not successful, DO NOT log off, and the server rolls back a minute or two and you still have your weapon. Its called rollback !
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