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About krootki

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  1. Hi there. Im looking for working ig walker for www.l2exite.com
  2. I cant run l2asrv .exe :/ i get some error it says i dont have rights to use this file :/ anyone know what 2 do?
  3. On Celes lags was when it starts, now is a bit better but still laggy, but on start was like 6k players so what u expected?
  4. Thers no cracked IG for Gracia i think , we must w8 a bit.
  5. If anyone have working IG pls share it
  6. Anyone have english wersion?
  7. Delete option.ini and try again it could help. Or just buy newest graphical card ;)
  8. name is correct but id was a mistake. correct id for enhanced mana potions at DN is [iD=9264] so working script should lool like it : // // ENHANCED MANA SCRIPT (WORKS AT DRAGON-NETWORK SERVERS) // Label(INICIO) CharStatus(MP,<,70) //>>> VERIFY IF MANA IS LOW THAN 60% THAN USE E-MANA <<<// { Label(MANA) USEITEM(Enhanced Mana Potion[iD=9264]) DELAY(20000) //>>> E-MANA POT DELAY (20000 = 20 SECONDS) <<<// CharStatus(MP,<,90) //>>> IF CHAR MP LOW THAN 90% USE E-MANA AGAIN <<<// { Call(MANA) } } DELAY(5000) Call(INICIO)
  9. I have that script but it dont works for me :/ Label(INICIO) CharStatus(MP,<,60) //>>> VERIFY IF MANA IS LOW THAN 60% THAN USE E-MANA <<<// { Label(MANA) USEITEM(Enhanced Mana Potion[iD=22300]) DELAY(30000) //>>> E-MANA POT DELAY (30000 = 30 SECONDS) <<<// CharStatus(MP,<,90) //>>> IF CHAR MP LOW THAN 90% USE E-MANA AGAIN <<<// { Call(MANA) } } DELAY(5000) Call(INICIO) can some one check it?
  10. Working fine but i need script to use enchanted mana pots :/
  11. Enachanted mana pots script dont wor for me :/ Need tutorial !! If someone can tell me what to do step by step i will be very happy :/
  12. Im looking for IG walker for dragonnetwork servers.If someone have it pls post link here and tutorial 4 it. I found 1 topic with that IGBot but i must have 200 or more postt to look at it ^^
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