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Everything posted by Danijel

  1. Come on Skype..
  2. We can maybe use someone trustful here as middleman... and money via PSC
  3. Well since i stop playing LoL, i want to start playing GW2,so i will sell it for 40 euros so i can buy GW2
  4. as i wrote price is negotiable,so if u are interested we can talk via skype or smth like that and make a deal .
  5. Account lvl : 30 Screenshots are at bottom of the page Region : EUW Top Elo : 1502 PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE , for contact add me on skype : cheap.elo Normal Wins : 651 Champions owned : 87 Rune Pages : 12 Skins : 51 Skins list : 1. Zombie Brand (Legendary) 2. Arcade Sona 3. Justicar Syndra 4. Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath (Legendary) 5. Glacial Malphite 6. Pulsfire Ezreal ( Legendary) 7. Foxfire Ahri 8. Darkflame Shyvana 9. Lord Darius 10. Blackthorn Morgana 11. Blight Crystal Varus 12. Battle Bunny Riven 13. Fisherman Fizz 14. Dark Crystal Ryze 15. Subterrenean Nautilus 16. Sabretusk Sejuani 17. Darkrider Sejuani 18. Frost Queen Janna 19. Hyena Warwick 20. Silverfang Akali 21. Blood Lord Vladimir (Legendary) 22. Temple Jax 23. Ironscale Shyvana 24. Boneclaw Shyvana 25. Suprise Party Fiddlestick 26. Cryocore Brand 27. Officer Caitlyn 28. Winged Hussar Xin Zhao 29. Deep Sea Kog'Maw 30. Overlord Malzahar 31. Dragonslayer Vayne 32. Renegade Talon 33. Obsidian Malphite 34. Full Metal Pantheon 35. Bloodfury Renekton 36. Warmonger Sion 37. Pentakill Yorick 38. Lord Mordekaiser 39. Nunu Bot (Legendary) 40. Urfrider Corki 41. Traditional Lee Sin 42. Bandit Sivir 43. Frozen Terror Nocturne 44. Desperada Cassiopeia 45. Lil' Slugger Trundle 46. Aviator Irelia 47. Monarch Kog'Maw 48. Gangster Twitch 49. Frosted Ezreal 50. Armor of Fifth Age Taric 51. French Maid Nidalee Here is some screenshots : Runes : http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=5_rune1.jpg http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=5_rune2.jpg http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=5_rune3.jpg http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=5_rune4.jpg Elo : http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=5_elo.jpg Champions : http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=5_champions1.jpg http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=5_champions2.jpg Latest skins : http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=5_latestskins.jpg
  6. Hello.Our elo boosting team is made of really good LoL players with ranking over 2.2k elo. As you guys know season 2 is almost end,and everyone want a better rewards at the end of the season. So we are offering a really cheap elo boosting. Prices : Only EUW/EUNE 0000 - 1500 ELO : 15€ per 100 elo 1500 - 1800 ELO : 20€ per 100 elo 1800 - 2200 ELO : 30€ per 100 elo Contact : skype : cheap.elo Website : http://cheapelo.tk Every our customer can watch a live stream of his account,link will be delivered privately
  7. Ofcourse it is,forum doesent have a lot of ppl because Sawk didnt wanted to advertise server until he know the features.
  8. Well last time when Renewal was up it had 2k+ active players,so i am not worried about players.And luck is not needed if the server is good ;)
  9. Yeah thats true. L2-Renewal will be up again in like 2 months. There is discussion on forum should it be Hellbound or Gracia Final,so why not register and give your opinion. http://www.l2-renewal.net/ This post will be updated with features as soon as i have more information.
  10. who know to work good on Interlude Java servers,he can be my associate ( we can open server together,i will pay host/website and he get 50% from donations) or i can pay him in cash to finish me some work's. daka009@hotmail.com for more information
  11. Lol,i tryed the server and its catastrophe,worst Lineage server that i ever played in my life,GM playing with his greek friends,and they ofcourse have everything overenchanted,with Bow +16(that is max) u hit them 500 crit with HE,and they hit u 4k-6k without problems.So my advice is DO NOT EVEN TRY TO DOWNLOAD A PATCH.
  12. i am 21 years old,and about payment we talk in private,not in public ;)
  13. I dont have any knowledge in developing and that things,but i have money,so i think there wont be a problem to find a man who will work for me ;)
  14. Who know to work and develop l2j server,and who want to open a server with my help. I am only looking for serious ppl who are willing to be dedicated on this project as much as project require.With my ideas and ur skill we can make best l2j server. for more information add me on msn : daka009@hotmail.com
  15. Uploaded with ImageShack.us I hope someone can help me
  16. Comments mean nothing,come and try ;)
  17. language thing will be fixed,there is alot of MCs because there is AIO buffer,there is peace zone for farm things,ppl only get adena to buy full S grade gear and maybe ur internet lagging.
  18. Soon there will be 1 more farm zone and special RBs
  19. Blessed enchants is 80% chance ;)
  20. Rates : Server Rate:1000 Server Sp Rate:1000 Enchant Safe:10 Enchant Max Weapon:25 Enchant Max Armor+Jewlery :25 Enchant Rate :%70 Blassed:%80 General Info : * Lineage II Chronicle 6, Chaotic Throne 0 (Interlude). * Custom farming zone . * 100% working Interlude skills. * Augmentation Removed (more balanced pvp). * Subclass. * Noblesse. * Hero System and hero skills. * Auto-learn skills. * Maximum level is 80. * 35 buffslots available. * Zariche and Cursed Weapon System. * Working Interlude Clan System. * Retail-like clan halls. * GM Shop * NpcBuffer * Instant 80lvl * Custom items (Dyn,Icarus,Titanium) http://www.l2demonswar.com
  21. In my opinion forum should have 3 category. 1. General (it should be there all general informations like news,announcments...,and all members would have accesibility to that) 2. Donator (There would be very useful information/files of all games and etc that is 100% working and worth paying for it.Only ppl who have subcritpion can enter there) 3.Free stuff (there would be all rest things) I think this would be good because it would be much easyer to use forum and find things.And there wont be spaming. I dont care if i win or not this contest i just posted this because i belive it would be great thing.
  22. I need some walker that work on L2Bypass,here is link : http://en.l2bypass.lt/ it would be nice if someone help.ty
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