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Everything posted by slay3rg1

  1. well i play l2 about hmm 23 years from -C23 until C1 but i stop playing l2 on C1 23 years playing was too much ^^ xD xD xD well i play L2 Since C4 The Game (noob server) and i still playing about 3 years :)
  2. Just a quicky, people posted a few posts regarding griefing the Aldor and killing Adyen and Ishanah. Well, they can also be CC'd, so you can kite Adyen to the water part in Aldor Rise and then keep him sheeped. No one will find you (or him lol) Alternatively, you can sheep Ishanah from above if you stand in the right spot. Credits to Frosteye
  3. ok you can get over 9000 gold in itomes not gold gold. youl need 1 frend that you know you can trust with lots of gold and not a chanter class so you and your frends (its better if you have lots of frends i had 6) send all your gold to freand #1 he seands all of it to frand #2 freand #1 opens a gm ticer. he sayse i got hacked he took all my 6000goldw/e you had. in the meen time frend #2 buys all that he can in the AH w/e you guys want than the gm gives frand #1 the gold back but he cant tacke it back frome you cuz you spent it in the ah and than sell all the AH shit and youl have 12000 and repet with frand # 3/4 Sokagos.and if you can under stand my bad englas im so sorry ty for your time and sorry for the bad englas Credits to sokagos
  4. Hey i thought i would post this simple guide on how to make easy gold with a lvl 62+ character, Enjoy Ok first fly/travel to Zangarmarsh, once there Swim into the lagoon.. In the lagoon you will find 2 little islands. One to the southwest and one to the north east. On these little land masses you will find "Lagoon Walker's".. They range from around lvl 61-62, If you have a flying mount farming will be very easy.. The Lagoon Walker's have a pretty good drop rate of Mote of life which is very decent (28.9%) But.. What also makes it special is the incredible respawn rate on the mobs, The Lagoon walkers will respawn pretty quickly but once you clear one of the mini islands which should not take long with a lvl 70, simply fly/swim to the other one and keep on killing.. Make sure to loot each one because most drop 1-2 Motes of life which can be turned into a Primal life once you get 10 which happen to sell very good in your local AH but also the Creeping moss they drop sells about 2g a stack. Anyways its not much but i thought i would post it since it's a pretty easy way to make lots of gold if your dedicated to farming :P credits to wraith619
  5. - Find a friend you trust with your gold - Trade all of your gold to your friend - Talk with a trainer to respec and while the window is open make a trade FROM your friend to you for the total cost of the respec - Accept the trade from your friend, then accept the respec free, log out quickly and the money should still be in your bag. :D Credits to Frodo Baggins
  6. Ok, so here Is an exploit that I threw together, what it essentially does is allow you to get two items from the same arena points. Say I have 1875 arena points, and I want both Brutal Gladiator's Legs, and Brutal Gladiator's Chest, but I can't choose? I don't have to with this exploit! Here is what you do: Step One- Collect the arena points you need for any given item Step Two- Talk to an In-game friend while you are near an arena vendor Step Three- Purchase the item that you want to buy ( Lets say Chest ) Step Four- Complain to your friend that you bought the wrong item Step Five- Open a Ticket to a Gm stating that you were talking to a friend, messing around not paying full attention and you clicked the wrong item, Ask them for a refund on the points Step Five- They will tell you that the next time you ZONE or LOG OUT your item will disappear, and your arena points will be back. At this point you preemptively delete the item. Step Six- Travel to a new zone or log out, you should now have the same exact arena points you had earlier, before you started the exploit. Step Seven- Buy the second item that you wanted ( Lets say Legs ) Step Eight- Open another ticket to a GM saying you bought an item ( The Chest ) earlier, and you deleted the new one on accident instead of your old one. Tell them you are fully aware that this uses up one of your limited restorations. Step Nine- Log out of the game. You should now have the 2nd Item ( Legs ) and deducted arena points. Step Ten- Log back in a few hours later ( Better to do this before you go to sleep ) By logging out, you avoid confrontations with any Game Masters. They will look into your item logs, see you bought the first item ( Chest ), see you deleted it, and mail it to you. Check your mail! It should be in there. Step Eleven- PROFIT ( You now have both items! ) This is 100% tested and working, I have done it to get a free vengeful 1h axe ( Dual Wielding! ) and I have done it when i had 1875 pts and couldn't afford brutal chest, so i bought legs, did the exploit, and now i have legs and chest! A friend of mine has used it to get both the brutal sword and mace in the 2nd week of the season! Enjoy! And i don't believe this is a repost, I searched for an exploit that used this method and couldn't find the same, there were a few that were a little similar, but I used much more secure methods, that are more convincing. Credits To Valorn
  7. Lets say your char name is Didelisbybis 1. Write GM ticket like this "Hello, Im from Lithuania (Romania, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia or any unknown country, depends on your char name) and in my language Didelis means Big and bybis means dick. So much ppls from my country see my name ingame, I must change it, yes? Duno what the hell I was thinking when I was on acc creation screen ." 2. GM change your name instantly, just be ready to tell him your wanted name. Done it several times and it DOES WORK! You can change non-english names and english names (harder but easily possible, just tell him Supe means mum and rman means **** or something.. ) (Wordek by me (slay3rg1) and works on Emmeris (OFFICIAL REALM) Credits to Jackis
  8. RAF = Recruit a friend :: In case anyone was unaware. If you have a level 70 on your RAF account, the recruited friend joins a Battleground (Any bracket: 10-19, 20-29, ect.) All the recruited friend has to do is summon you. Step one: Get RAF active Step two: Get the referred account to the BG range Step three: Referred account joins the BG Step four: Referred account summons the "Main" accounts' character. Step five: ???? Step six: Profit! Have fun wrecking face in a lowbie BG? I don't know, I'm sure someone will get off to this. Fake edit: I was at my friends account when we did this today, I don't have a RAF account and can't screen shot it. So yeah. Credits Espero
  9. spam :P i think that only l2gm.it is now GM Server :/ All the others are no closed (may i'm wrong :D)
  10. w00t ? 8a plako8ite gia to pios einai kaliteros developer i gia to pios ekane ta status teCpa den 8a asxoli8w poli den a3izei basika 1on)ean einai dika tou timi t k kamari tou autos ta mirazete me emas esy omos exeis 6 post p mono sxoliazeis 2on) ean den einai dika tou poli apla 8a eprepe na balei credits 3on) esena ti se niazei ean einai dika tou i oxi ?? 4on) extreme apla min asxolise astous na lene esy ekanes auto p eprepe ta mirastikes mazi mas ^^ 5on) sorry gia to off-topic ^^
  11. den 8elw na se dior8osw alla "Access Failed. Plz Try Again to login later" to leei otan tros ban acc mporei na efage ban char alla to apoklioume dioti oti i to acc i o char troi ban o admin prepei na se kanei kick gia na olokliro8i to ban gt etC 8a mporeis na paizeis mexri na kaneis rr. Otan se kanei kick tros Critcal opote apo ta legomena s den tros critical ara no ban :P
  12. k den nomizw oti swsta rotises emas kalitera 8a itan na ekanes ena topic sto forum tou server (o gnomi mou) episis ean pas na mpeis k trws critical sto loading einai 100% meta dokimsae auto p s eipe o notabastard ^^
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