to prwto thelw na dw prota, pios xezei ta ala
to trilogy paei etsi:
The Butterfly Effect [2004]
The Butterfly Effect 2 [2006]
The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations [2009]
to 1 kai to 2 den exoun title, apla the butterfly effect.
gamaei apla, tetoiou styl tenies gamane stous kinimatografous kai idika me parea
katevike to prwto, pame gia ta ala 2 :D
den mas niazei to greys oute to blues oute to reds mwre
Lol this is our test server for exploits..the admin banned me over 6 times and i started crashing him with dragon hunter's flooder :D
these preconf packs destroy our forum's name..