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About tintukas

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  1. ty i will try
  2. l2 is totally new, with the latest update for hellbound L2W is the latest i could find that's been cracked maybe there's any newer one that i don't know about
  3. put food in pets inventory it will feed as it needs to
  4. well when i push "Other Ctrl" i get a critical error, and l2.exe crashes all other functions work fine, even scripts work maybe u know what the problem is ?
  5. HI, 1st i would like to apologise for this dumb question I have eL2Walker2.01 working on one hellbound server i configure all the settings but how can i start them to work i have no "begin combat" button or something like that i would really appreciate your help thank you in advance
  6. crashes on hellbound l2.exe error
  7. Hello all, 1st i want to say sorry if this post will be a dupe or just not interesting enough I have found this "thing" on several servers where gm shops aren't made good enough You need 2 things. 1. A dwarf toon which could crystalise (s grade wuold be best) 2. GM shop on the server with low prices. THe thing is that, when u buy weapon/armor (f/e Dynasty Phantom), for 10-30KK, u can crystalise it and sell the crystalls in regular shop, for ~77KK. I have found many servers where, gm shops sell S80 weapons for ~15KK, so u can make very much profit and get your other stuff for free. I got my Dynasty Duals to +16 with Retail enchant rates.
  8. tried it, but didn't work l2ownage
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