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Posts posted by Morian

  1. Καλή θητεία ρε πασά μου και μην φοβάσαι τίποτε και κανέναν! Το πολύ πολύ τώρα σαν πουστόνεο θα πήξεις λίγο αλλά μετά στον 8 μήνα θα τους γαμάς όλους!!! χαχα  :troll:


    Και πάλι καλή θητεία!  :-*

  2. It fixes up a faringitas pretty well, thats one of the reasons i bought a bottle this week.

    Also the only blood i drank/eaten-prepared was as a kid and what my grand ma was feeding me. As i grew older the only human blood i drank was of my sister as a bet, but it was like 30mls. and it was not her period.. i know what ur thinking..


    haha  :happyforever:


    @morian hey bro wassap?


    Facebook ,skype, anything?  :happyforever: :happyforever: 

  3. Αν είναι verified το paypal φυσικά μπορείς... Withdraw κάνεις στον τραπεζικό λογαριασμό σου και απο εκεί και πέρα παίρνεις το ποσό σου όπως θες εσύ.

  4. i dont like it personaly ,becoust it isnt R&C section.I have the right to sell my protuct in which price i want.NOW go to -beep- your self or do whatever you want.!Just dont post again here.And go read the -beep-ing rules.TY


    First off all i didnt rate your work, i just told that is a very big prize for that crappy PSD, but if you want my opinion it sucks hard. Second i am in this forum since 2008 so STFU and dont speak to me about rules, and third i dont remember if i told you, hold up a sec... Yeah you will never sell it! 

    :troll: :troll: :troll:

  5. i dont like it personaly ,becoust it isnt R&C section.I have the right to sell my protuct in which price i want.NOW go to -beep- your self or do whatever you want.!Just dont post again here.And go read the -beep-ing rules.TY


    First off all i didnt rate your work, i just told that is a very big prize for that crappy PSD, but if you want my opinion it sucks hard. Second i am in this forum since 2008 so STFU and dont speak to me about rules, and third i dont remember if i told you, hold up a sec... Yeah you will never sell it! 

    :troll: :troll: :troll:

  6. i drink jager only if i have stomach ache, really is the best cure!

    Hi dark long time to see you, whats up?

    By the way setekh you :lied: . You drink blood from human and cat vein mixed with redbull, dont be afraid tell to your people the truth

    :-beep- yeah: :-beep- yeah:

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