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Everything posted by JM69

  1. If is that easy can you doit for me? :P. Its too much unordened text for me when i decrypt with L2 File Edit D:
  2. Looking arround the Internet found this interesting patch.... 8) http://www.mediafire.com/?iymmznnhhwn Credits: thelastdwarf PS: Can anyone convert to Gracia Epilogue please? ;)
  3. Can you post just 1 screen with no post requeriment please? T.T
  4. xD! What a headache... :P
  5. Epic loading screens, nice :P
  6. Mmh... Can't see images! D:. La2Base.ru down or wtf?
  7. xD! Nice clothes, i like them. :P
  8. No more Calculator quest! WE GOT OUR iPHONE! :D!
  9. I like those colors, very nice :P
  10. Wohooo! No more noobs at start! :D
  11. Mmh.... Nice shields, specially the sexy ones :3
  12. Crazy skills? xD I think i'll need to test this thx...
  13. Mmh... Stylish. Nice one! :P
  14. HOLY.... AIO Posts FTW! Specially yours! Love your work <3
  15. Mmh... Nice job but i dont like it, not my style :/
  16. YAY THX! Needed this a lot! I owe ya one! :D
  17. xD! As you said... Already posted... But anyway thanks for re-sharing :P
  18. xD!! Very useful... So i will remember what i have to do... THX! :P
  19. WHAT THE HELL!? Nice effects!. Shit... I have never seen those ones.... Nice job keep it up! :D
  20. Nice... That werewolf FTW :P
  21. Damn! I wish i have 50 posts! xD I can't imagine a Plane in L2.
  22. Ahahha Nice Freya Style :P
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