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About sauron3256

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Prepei na peraseis to patch mesw tou eclipse sto source code tou server kai meta na kaneis compile. Ta xrwmata rithmizontai apo config. Ean thes to kanw port se l2jfree kai anevazw to analogo patchaki edw i sto rapidshare.
  2. jeez any1 reported him? //ontopic ontws 8a +fwnisw me tous allous, an eixes kalo pc k syndesi ekanes vlakeia, ean den eixes omws k eixes arketo kosmo ston server mia xara ekanes
  3. apo to kamael i daggera pou exoun tromakrika lethal rates (exw piasei me wind rider se oly 4 lethal sti seira) i trickster (tromaktiko p atk kai megalo m def + to imbue dark seed)
  4. kamael berseker/arbalester me ta toggle skills tou on kai bow, trello p atk
  5. xaxaxaxaxa e3airetiko thread, gelasa oso dn mporeis na fadasteis idiaitera me to 99
  6. Also these names are quite a pain in the *** to target/pm them, so +1
  7. Xaxaxa to eixa ksanadiavasei to post auto alla eixa xasei to link, 8a to deiksw se merika filarakia p moiazoun me ton xarh :P
  8. xaxaxaxaxa funny but true
  9. Nice one man, helps the players a lot
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