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Posts posted by Fя0zenInside™

  1. delete gameguard folder from your system

    also i deleted it and now i give pass and id and its stays on license and after some secs it says there was a problem when running gameguard error=620


    Lmao, get a clear system dude..

    I am sure that you have used this system for many servers..


    You can change your system, but I would suggest you to re-install Shitlude.

    also i change1 time already my system i think this is not my problem...

    or maybe you can send me a link to download another system maybe the1 that i changed is sh1t xD

  2. i didnt touch anything its freshly compiled also i removed one line from host the line that protect you from gameguard error and now i login i write my pass i press enter and then 1 shit window pop-up saying me ''a hacking tool has been discovered bla bla bla'' and after some second pop-up another window that says errorcode=620 if i remember right...


  3. are you blind? you have error in olympiad.properties check this file..

    where you see the error here?

    #Olympiad Properties

    #Fri Dec 11 23:13:31 EET 2009








    i have the normal i dont changed nothing.... also why to change to another system?

    but ehm ok maybe its that can some1 send me a link that i can download interlude system?

    Change System.

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