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Everything posted by Claire-

  1. Nobody Knows ? Only newbies here ?
  2. Why do you want to use such a virtual machine?
  3. Go utube
  4. Have a look at your gamesever config directory. You just have to set one parameter.
  5. Hello My PC (3 GB RAM) runs Windows XP and a L2server. I would like to know what is the maximum size of memory that can be allocated to the Java virtual machine. I used java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx1512m net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer And above 1512, it doesn't work. Can you help me please?
  6. Sushi Riceball : Item ID : 4385 It's not a quest item and you can't buy it
  7. Have you ever seen CT2? how can you have an opinion on something you haven’t even seen?
  8. http://www.l2hunterguide.com/L2HunterGuide/Quests?typeAction=detailQuest&questId=373
  9. Hello My name is Claire, and I live in France. Nice to be here and thx for the forum. See u
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