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Posts posted by rej222

  1. Kastien won't open under BoTGod atleast as C4. But will reopen on the other one. Since BotGod scammed the real L2x team. And its not even the real BotGod its just a fake one that stolen his name. About Dizzan hes the real one, hes the real domain owner and has full backups of L2x files/Site. So Dizzan will ropen Stairs/Kastien actually he will roepen all 4 servers. Anyway their new domain will be www.lineage2extreme.com! I'm playing there.

  2. To RobZombie. L2j is not safe + has some bugs. Why L2j is not safe? Ever heard of MySQL injections :)? Only way to prevent them is to close port 7777 on your firewall, that means you cant have a secure L2j server.

    Stability L2j and stability are two different things. It could be really stable just the guys making it are not capable to make a stable server. Just look at the source code :) and laff!

    L2off some servers are not stable but that depends on the devoleper working on it, and with bugs its same story. So basicly L2off is stable thx to good devolepers and their C++/ASM knowlade. And about security its a different thing alot more secure then L2j :)

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