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  1. vampir's post in Interlude Change On Screen Message Default Positions was marked as the answer   
    Use Interface.xdat to change AnchorX and AnchorY of OnScreeMessageWnd1...OnScreeMessageWnd9
  2. vampir's post in On Screen Creitical And Evaded was marked as the answer   
    ui4.ugx in Ertheia.
  3. vampir's post in How To Make Interface.u Work With Any Name ? was marked as the answer   
    Answer to first question: change Paths=../System/*.u in L2.ini
  4. vampir's post in I Need Help! was marked as the answer   
    It depends on the features, how you want each realm to look like, how global world has to look like, client(interlude packs dont have instance system implemented).
    You should prepare whole plan and make topic on marketplace.
  5. vampir's post in Prevent Npc's Heading Being Adjusted To Player's Heading. was marked as the answer   
    MoveToPawn is the key, it makes character go to npc and when it is close, run function that turns npc around. You cannot drop that packet, because it would be impossible to come near Npcs. To fix this problem you need to dig into Engine.dll and drop  ?AdjustPawnLocation@UGameEngine@@QAEXPAVAPawn@@ABVFVector@@@Z calls.

  6. vampir's post in Intellij Idea Debug Server was marked as the answer   
    I dont know how debug works in eclipse, but following settings allow you to start gameserver on your own, attach to the process and then do all the stuff eclipse can do and more:

    You need to put  -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_shmem,server=y,suspend=n,address=5012 just before java in your startGameServer.bat
  7. vampir's post in How To Find A Button With Xdat Editor was marked as the answer   
    You need to change interface.u, not interface.xdat
  8. vampir's post in [Help]Zone Text Color was marked as the answer   
    Interface.u, client side.
  9. vampir's post in How To Delete The Map + Button was marked as the answer   
    If you want to delete all of them, then go by XDat Editor to:
    - MinimapWnd > Minimap > MinimapCtrl tab
    - MinimapWnd_Expand > Minimap > MinimapCtrl tab
    and set ShowTown to false. Buttons to show detailed map of towns, fortresses will be gone. Also when character is in town and he opens map, he will see full size map(not map of the town he is in)
    If you want to delete just specific buttons(and also disable player to see detailed map when he is its region), you should modify ZoneName-e.dat
  10. vampir's post in Sql Queries In Fixed Times was marked as the answer   
    thats copy paste from my ranking page: http://pastebin.com/XCV6qzGz
  11. vampir's post in Npc With Voices - Elcadia was marked as the answer   
    It's not in server files but in client.
    Check Npcgrp.dat
  12. vampir's post in I Need Know Which File(Map Folder) Correspond To Kamael Village was marked as the answer   
    16_19, 17_19, 16_20
  13. vampir's post in How To Find The Exact Texture was marked as the answer   
    1. You go to Skillgrp.dat, look for Skill id and find Effect Id
    1553    1    1    0    194    900    16    3.00000000    1    G    1553    icon.skill1553        0    0    0    a,none\0    0    8    10    0    a,none\0 2. You use L2PE(https://sites.google.com/site/l2clientmod/l2pe) to open  LineageSkillEffect, look for 1553 and find Emmiters
    Casting Action: l2_1553_skill.L2EffectEmitter0 Channeling Action: [l2_1553_skill.L2EffectEmitter3, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, l2_1553_skill.L2EffectEmitter13] Shot Action: [l2_1553_skill.L2EffectEmitter1, l2_1553_skill.L2EffectEmitter4, l2_1553_skill.L2EffectEmitter2, null, null, null, l2_1553_skill.L2EffectEmitter6, l2_1553_skill.L2EffectEmitter5] 3. In the same file, you look for the l2_1553_skill.L2EffectEmitter0(it's good to sort everything by name, not ID) and find Effect Class
    Effect Class: LineageEffect.wh_sec_heal_ca 4. You use L2PE to open lineageeffect.u, look for wh_sec_heal_ca and find Sprite Emmiters
    Emmiters: [d_chainheal_ta.SpriteEmitter5, d_chainheal_ta.SpriteEmitter6] 5. In the same file, you look for the d_chainheal_ta.SpriteEmitter5, and find Texture
    Texture: LineageEffectsTextures.Particles5.fx_m_t8137 If you want to change the value, you can decrypt lineageeffect.u(using L2PE doesn't require decryption), look for fx_m_t8137 with notepad++ and change the value. To change numbers, booleans, you will need to have hex editor or create your own editor
  14. vampir's post in I Dont Know How To Explain It Lol .. was marked as the answer   
    Yes, player is downloading updater which weights few mb, runs it and it downloads whole server files from your website. There are a few updaters on mxc marketplace.
  15. vampir's post in Return String (Html) Problem was marked as the answer   
    What do you have near that method call?
    It should be something like that:
    NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); msg.setHtml(stats(player)); player.sendPacket(msg);
  16. vampir's post in God Texture was marked as the answer   
    I don't know how it got deleted :S
  17. vampir's post in Respawn After...(Threadpoolmanager) was marked as the answer   
    The second code is about fine, you could have done it with one thread but thats nothing for the resources.
    Never use that shutdown, it will destroy your thread manager.
    You can cancel thread by first saving it as ScheduledFuture<?>, for example:
    ScheduledFuture<?> thread = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Something(), 5000L); thread.cancel(false); However, in the first program it would be hard to use that method(you would need to get ScheduledFuture<?> thread from inside somehow)
  18. vampir's post in Help With Class Name In Olympiad List was marked as the answer   
    If you will revert your changes and make fields Player 1 and Player 2 show names of the players, then all you will have to do is:
    - go to OlympiadGameNormal.java
    - modify getPlayerNames()
    - you can make each name like: _playerOne.getName() + " (" + playerOne.getClassId().getName() + ")"
    I dont know the method for getting name of the class(playerOne.getClassId().getName() - that was example) in l2jserver, so you will have to find it by youself.
  19. vampir's post in Html Button Icon was marked as the answer   
    Same question:
  20. vampir's post in How To Add ; In Html For The Buffer. was marked as the answer   
    I think it should be something like that:
    @Override public void onBypassFeedback(L2PcInstance player, String command) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " "); String actualCommand = st.nextToken(); if (actualCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("getbuff")) { String[] buffsArray = command.substring(actualCommand.length).trim().split(";"); for(String buffString : buffsArray) { String[] idLevelString = buffString.split(" "); int buffid = Integer.parseInt(idLevelString[0]); int bufflevel = idLevelString.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(idLevelString[1]) : 1; if (buffid != 0 && !player.isDead()) { SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffid, bufflevel).getEffects(this, player); broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, player, buffid, bufflevel, 500, 0)); } } showChatWindow(player); } else if (actualCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("restore")) { if (!player.isDead()) { player.setCurrentHp(player.getMaxHp()); broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, player, 1258, 4, 500, 0)); showChatWindow(player); } } else if (actualCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel")) { if (!player.isDead()) { player.stopAllEffects(); broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, player, 1056, 12, 500, 0)); showChatWindow(player); } } else super.onBypassFeedback(player, command); }
  21. vampir's post in Html Font Sizes was marked as the answer   
    <html> <body> Normal Text <br> <font name="CreditTextNormal">CreditTextNormal Text</font> <br> </body> </html>
  22. vampir's post in Html Button Fore Back Actions was marked as the answer   
    Easy thing.
    You need 2 superposed icons.
    Make a table with that icon(guy with a green/white colors around) as a background. Inside TD of the table, add button with completely invisible fore and almost fully invisible(except yellow borders) back.
  23. vampir's post in Html Image Overly How To Make? was marked as the answer   
    This is connection of 3 things:
    1. Background icon(icon.weapon_elven_long_sword_i00)
    2. Black Square which area is 1/4 of icons area, also placed as background(L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_TooltipBG)
    3. Normal Text
    <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=32 height=32 background="icon.weapon_elven_long_sword_i00"> <tr> <td width=32 align=right> <table border=0 width=16 height=16 background="L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_TooltipBG"> <tr> <td width=16 align=center valign=center> <font color="FFFFFF">D</font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
  24. vampir's post in Sniff Packets / Implement Protocols was marked as the answer   
    So i believe Protocol Version number have nothing to do with that. The problem is, that different version of Lineage II Client requires different packages too.
    When official server is doing update, they are updating both Client and Server and sometimes they are changing Packages too.
    It's possible to make interlude server that even High Five users can access. The big problem in it, is that for example High Five client requires sending Attribute Informations of each item and Interlude doesn't(and if high five client will not get attribute infos, it will most likely drop critical error).
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