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Everything posted by Raule

  1. ? :| wtf dude 10 is max.
  2. Eh, i had last semester the average of 8.9. Guess how'd be if i'd study.
  3. That's my boy. I dont even change them, i have them all in my bag for the whole year.
  4. Kidzor told me. Dont look at me.
  5. ca daca nu face setekh aspargilius
  6. Nice title though, i mean you've included the name too to avoid other topics with the same subject. Le; fixed :|
  7. Chat banned 2 days
  8. they have better hole
  9. Venty2k in Romanian is Vasile pls karma now
  10. No nechophils here, only you, sry.
  11. Omg Godpower locked the topic oO
  12. Eh.. Venty2k deleted the replies.
  13. About who we talk ?
  14. The world is full of bitches you know..i mean your ideal girl is your actual love and his last night bitch. Im almost sure she will come back to you if she agreed to make a baby.
  15. Venty2k
  16. Vezi acuma Adytzu asta s-a apucat de AE :))
  17. plm am fost ieri de la 12 pana la 3 la fotbal si de la 4 pana la 9 la tenis cu picioru' si nu m-am mai dus la scoala azi, m-am trezit la 11 :|
  18. daca n-ai luat ban in urmatoarele 3 zile e bine.
  19. bling bling
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