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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Btw centic told his best friend is his hand, he call it larissa.
  2. he doesnt know his nick is ecvitatis
  3. right!
  4. damn is centic!
  5. sax
  6. Muneco de nieve boludo
  7. Muchas gracias por me banear de la equipo del forum
  8. ala de o da pe budinca, pa resouri, hmm..cum dracu il cheama..vyper sau cum..
  9. no more : i smell that sticky, who got that sticky? i got that sticky icky
  10. mdea, imediat o sa mearga sa o injure pe masa ca l-a facut prost :))
  11. men can i get plz gold memeber ? pliz men pliz ;D
  12. oi amigos io habla espaniol poco
  13. ai bananed him yo
  14. lol fackar you dont know what weed is?
  15. none..
  16. ye i would, thinking to Bear Grills.
  17. gud sher mang
  18. ai de plm..puneti-va casca in cap daca vreti sa ascultati http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p_hyzbuwIs
  19. eh and i wanted to say banned, so seth would still think im in staff ;D
  20. pula me nu schiu
  21. haha you are you, you said you.
  22. Assassina, if im I and you are You, who's the retaded me or you ?
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