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Everything posted by Raule

  1. i dont see sofaki to be banned.
  2. stolen acc i guess, you know the foolish girlz..
  3. blane, what i said :P
  4. l2 blitzkrieg
  5. il iau eu :)) veri gud game
  6. wants karma
  7. Nais family, your kids will be borned with ps in hands.
  8. translate your sig or never happened
  9. Asta e o lume de papusi cu sfori de aia nu intru pa usi cu flori, intru pe branci cu pusti sa-mpusc sus pusi sa mori.acelasi pusti ce imprastii fiori la prostii chiori ce prostii vor sa auda de la povestitori. Nenorocitu de arhitect!
  10. yes because you saks.
  11. noroc
  12. Lock it before intrepid sees this topic.
  13. in 12, the last year :S
  14. Z ce vrei ca am eu phooshop..dar doar cand ma duc acasa.
  15. hmm, no it was hmm.. 2523 hmm.. 2343445. exactly lesson 2!
  16. Exactly how i teached you.
  17. what you doing is hate.
  18. Do you think i want a position? i dont like some things to mxc but, if staffers and maxtor dont care for them, why should i care? i dont show my hatred in every thread, i just in my stay in place and join the forum.
  19. nu ma pricep
  20. Srsly, he is a good guy, but if you ask him something about mxc, you hear only: retarded, stupid, etc..
  21. Just dont take anything in consideration of what intrepid says, he hates everything to this forum, he takes pills for nerves when he enters in mxc.
  22. you must hire ventic too, he can do the job very weel , plus he can answer to the phone even when he's working.
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