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Everything posted by Raule

  1. sa vezi ce baga deliric
  2. patesti si tu ca n4ked ala, ai grija
  3. ai vazut ce-nseamna low rate maistore, vezi sa n-ajungi no lifer daca nu esti deja
  4. no spam ghin argheal ma
  5. niu poll
  6. pai asta este..am jucat si eu pe low, nu pot sa zic ca a fost greu dar pierdeam mult timp. Asa ca mai bine am ales un server cat de cat balansat si unde se fac itemele mai repede.
  7. Una pentru frachele meu ghe la alta mama, sailanttaci, sa iil loveasca direct la corason :)) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQOfRSiunCY&feature=related
  8. Seems you're completely retarded, after you saw what damages lineage 2 made, you still continue playing, why you dont kill yourself and you will have no problems then.
  9. bine ma jucati voi pe dex, eu n-as petrece atat timp pentru un joc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo9BKCFxxyY&feature=related
  10. Numai dex e server? iti zic bag eu o rima poate te prinzi : nu vezi rostu Zici nu-i de-al nostru si schimbi postu
  11. nu schie el dinaschiea, sa ma laud otzara, intreabal pe sailanttaci, cand mergeam la pvp fugea tot clanu din acel loc :))
  12. he wanted to use icsploits and got banned both. They choosed to divorce bicaz nothing was making be together. When they was walking, they girl was saying, wtf wait me, dont you see i'm mage and i have low speed? they were were going to buff at npc aka Mc DOnalds, or they was restoring mana aka coca cola together.. Nah, now the truth iz, they had problems with money because they was spending too many time playing l2.
  13. hai sa va arat 3 filme cu io cand jucam lainegi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3c2D1titp4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laDKEqoINAg
  14. I know a couple, they divorced because of l2. This guy can be happy, he will not have a girl so he will cannot divorce!
  15. nu exsista asa ceva
  16. hb man
  17. un spam amre de la mine
  18. stai cuminte ba sido, esti copil?
  19. chinese copy of adidas ahahaha
  20. ba tiunki, ai vazut ce si-a inchis ala gura
  21. You are sure? watch me Sig saks, you saks.
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