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Everything posted by Raule

  1. mai un pic si avem 20k
  2. ce viteza aveti la net?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzGjXmafRXA
  4. Ratio: 5.945 Uploaded: 1.12 TB Downloaded: 192.26 GB pff, abea creste
  5. facem parte din vocabularul spamatica
  6. Spam Topics 6588
  7. N-am stiut ce poll sa pun :))
  8. la ce iti tre adena ma? iti dau io
  9. add a name and its yours. I'm waiting for adena http://www.google.ro/images?q=hot%20girl%20signature&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=ro&tab=wi&biw=1024&bih=577
  10. Indeed, i finishied this game 3 times, nice game.
  11. And your game is The settlers 7, i played the settlers 6 and it was pretty cool, i will play 7 too.
  12. at gasit servar?
  13. să moară taţ duşmanii
  14. la bara pizde cu corp de miss pe col cu sifilis indivizi cu masti pe mui ca Stanley Ipkiss Nu dau doi bani c-are versu dichis Ca beatu-i pizdilichis
  15. ma uit la the last airbender
  16. da..azi mi l-a bagat da nu stiu daca i l-a bagat si lui radu, a intrat pe mess?
  17. ioane sa te frec la mandule, nu mai faci spam ?
  18. care-i ala?
  19. altu? hai ma sa intram asa incognito
  20. http://l2liberators.com/ ne bagam pe asta 200 ghe playeri
  21. no ceas ma. cautati ma un servăr sa jucam
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