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Everything posted by Raule

  1. 18 cred sau poate se da ca are vreo 18 si el abea acu a dat examen usa intre la liceu
  2. aia cu patratelele e tare, ori va futeti ori jucati x si 0 :))
  3. dati bice
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFssOcv5T_I
  5. o sa va fac la toti sig
  6. astia-s bajetii romanesti care fac spamu cum tu nu te gandesti :))
  7. neo nazi never
  8. spam amre bajeti :)
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-VrJ587rHU&feature=related
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ8bzvqYZmM&feature=player_embedded#!
  11. Omg, grea great share just tested for fun and it works.
  12. Any good action movie ?
  13. nop because there's only cam versions.
  14. I like movie like The Chronicles of Narnia ( you know - magic powers)
  15. I couldnt find 127 Hours in my movies torrent.
  16. i bet i can quote over 1000 replies in greek without gr tags, nevermind. ... This topic will be closed, i saw all greek moderators care only about greek people and not for forum. Thanks to all users wich spammed with me! Locked and unstickied.
  17. I dont have anything agaisnt if we have a normal conversation.
  18. you call that a potential spammer? ahaha ask finito, wierdsituation, masturbaster
  19. i did not smited anyone, it was just a rule to be there, because i was sick of " asdfsfsd replies" and you see now i made another rule. I never told go away from here when someone said in our topic " what's up raule" isaid only they were writing asddfs.
  20. I know, i hope Grisom will come back and demote all subjective moderators. if you know what subjective means.
  21. ha? why the heck you;re in staff since you are saks?
  22. la -4 ai ban
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