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Everything posted by Raule

  1. plm cand vreau sa dau ban iau eroarea aia :|
  2. s-a terminat
  3. T.T you install fl, you tick two buttons and that's all, but how can you do it if you dont watch?
  4. twinkie e fat frumos cand trage la sala
  5. no.. its kinda easy, just watch some tutorial on youtube
  6. Yes, but first read about recording and patterns in FL.
  7. you can do it easy with fruity loops
  8. im using a private tracker :/
  9. anyway im going to watch
  10. Unknown really awesome movie. im requesting some movie.
  11. aiurea, am descarcat ultimu episod de la game of thrones si cred ca ma pu nsa ma uit
  12. crystalin de o luna intra pe mess sa-mi dea codu la fifa :))
  13. da.. se vede ca nu mai is eu activ :))
  14. http://www.youtube.com/user/MaRYuSoo7?blend=3&ob=5#p/u/0/8kGtwS481o0
  15. Raule


    there already too many section, why do you think new users posting in wrong sections?
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