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Everything posted by Raule

  1. cui ii pasa
  2. spam amre
  3. spam amre
  4. spam amre
  5. Its like you have red candy and i have yellow, so you vote red andi vote yellow? when you vote for something, specify why you vote that with detalied better differences.
  6. nu. Plictis si sictir
  7. comix cred ca e midleman de aici
  8. cum sa nu-i placa fata ta daca nici nu te cunoaste ? Current staff: Administrators: Ventic - PM Global Moderators: Fanky - PM ComiX - PM yhn - PM LoL Moderator: Chucky - PM L2 Moderator: Sido - PM Contributor: Michael - PM FPS Moderator BonJovi - PM Gold Members: AlexKiss - PM DarkImpulse - PM GFX Moderators: xDrac - PM L2J Developer: Anarchy - PM
  9. dice ma?
  10. pe forumu lu ventic
  11. spre 50k
  12. Back in 2005 you were 11 y.o you were still playing with toys ^^
  13. You dont know how to use it ^^
  14. I'm older than you and i barely seen him online.
  15. trece repede
  16. YOu dont even catched Koyfo here ^^
  17. Asta chiar imi place.
  18. No way.Tell me a reason you accuse me for
  19. Now to tell you the truth, i dont believe in ranks. For me 3 are just enough: Newbie, Normal Member, Supreme member. I replaced member with cheater because this is a discussion forum lately.
  20. Cei mai multi o ducem rau
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