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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Sido stii melodia nu ma poti opri?
  2. Sido, versiunea asta-i mai buna
  3. mmytza, lasa-l sa comenteze cat vrea, nu-l mai baga in seama :))
  4. Hope you will get your money, i also made like 50 $ in two weeks. I become more and more experienced in making online money.
  5. Buna asta vazelos :))
  6. Crystaline nu seamana putin cu House Doc asta? DOC - Scapat de sub control
  7. sincer mie cel putin nu-mi pasa ce ai facut, ce faci pe acest forum ce cauti pe aici, chiar nu ma intereseaza.
  8. Really worth! After the i watched the last episode i was angry because had no more epiosdes to watch, its the best series you ever will see( I watched like 20 series till now, imdb rating 8.4+ and i can still say game of thrones its the best)
  9. crystalin a fost cs mod dinainte sa dai tu de forumu asta
  10. I've seen em all. @Morian why you so inactive? I heard that you found a girl and you married now ? ;D
  11. Nana Mouskouri - Georges Zamfir - Milisse mou
  12. Join some marketing forums and see by yourself the prices ^^
  13. how much you'd offer for a page with 10k real friends?
  14. Any tricks used ? :D
  15. imi place si mie piesa
  16. not really, just changed the price
  17. paying 2$ paypal
  18. am si vazut deja episodu'
  19. nu pot da stop.
  20. sido asa ceva iti place The End - Epic Instrumental ? acuma ma pun sa dau ceva pe instrumentalu asta :))
  21. am gasit-o mersi mult crystaline!
  22. cred ca-i si guetta pe acolo. plm parca incepe asa cu temo lent ..vorbeste parca ceva o secunda pauza si dupaia incepe
  23. Crystaline caut o melodie si nu gasesc, e asa mai de club si are bmp mai ridicat!
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