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Everything posted by Raule

  1. ed http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0477302/
  2. capo di tutti capi si prigat
  3. te-ai uitat la sparatcus?
  4. Raule

    Ipad 3 rumours

    i didnt imagined you as a cat, but..
  5. http://vplay.ro/watch/b891mbn4
  6. I wont talk so i wont influence the sellers.
  7. Hugo you wacthed it? Puss in boots
  8. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0814255/
  9. My earnings in 2 days: And i dint nothing, dont even need to open my pc ;D
  10. Probably i will keep it for me or i will sell it for like 30$
  11. me iz pro in muviz
  12. I didnt made any video, but i can make aprox 600 real views per day so like 3500 views per week, that's like 52 $ if im not wrong.
  13. Ceva ce se intampla foarte rar, a inceput sa-mi placa mc-u asta! E pe stilu meu E intunericu' macabru' spanzurat de candelabru E un candel acru sacru ce-ti cresteaza tie scalpu'
  14. For the next friday i will prepare something. I found a way to make real views( no enahnceviews and so on) i mean people really watch the video but lets see if they will find a reason to disapprove the video. Ps 50 views in 5 minutes ;d
  15. I can feel already tha movie sucks.
  16. Cedry2k - Clipa Schimbarii
  17. Raule

    Dat eyes

  18. he's banned? who cares
  19. Raule

    Webcam troll

  20. e roman. Dayz - Back Home
  21. sido hai sa-ti dau un mc de care n-ai auzit
  22. Plm ne-am dus la suc dupa examen..si baga unu melodia asta " nu ma poti opri" si face ba fix asa eram si eu, nu ma puteai orpi atat am scris" da fac eu te-n plm ca era grila examenu cu 10 intrebari :))
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