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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Are you joking? after the last episode ended i was ready to break my laptop because its ended. Its the best series ever.
  2. Today's Earnings: $2.26 Month's Earnings: $59.87 Approved Earnings: $19.79 All Time Earnings: $79.66 Note: On the 1st of each month your Month's Earnings become Approved Earnings. These Approved Earnings are then sent out to all uploaders from the 15th of the month to the 25th.
  3. Chuck Norris a fost singurul care a crapat 2 pietre în una.
  4. sa cresti mare acolo unde esti mic
  5. lets see tomorrow
  6. http://tvcountdown.com/s/game-of-thrones cant fuckin wait. if y u no not know about this gtfo.
  7. i thought you locked the topic.
  8. http://vplay.ro/watch/mk1uemu2/
  9. they will do it just for some hours probably
  10. Raule


    you can lock the topic now..
  11. Raule


    yes! me and nikoloudos had a bet! he bet you will lock at 4 replies this topic and i said you will lock it at 6 and so you did, proof im mastermind! and now you unlock my topic to destroy my fame!? can you be more cruel than this?
  12. proiectul montauk
  13. dask fast lock?
  14. lol miracle! unlocked topic.
  15. nikoloudos you lost!
  16. that man could die of heart attack he is new moderator and you already ban him?
  17. man i was ready to die for you !
  18. so you gay if between you and him? ;D
  19. who is elfcrash? nevermind i guess he is himself :o ban no reason lock no reason, you welcome ;D
  20. y u no tell me?
  21. You could full your hdd just in case ;D
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