Information 8/10: The quality of information had contained in this ebook had been very high, could be a little bit better(to newbies).
Layout 10/10: This ebook its obviously a step by step ebook, so you can do it easily if you aren't very good in english too. . The ebook has 12 pages with useful informations about how to make money.
Difficulty 6/10: its not very hard to use it. This method its worldwide, so you dont have to be an US / CA member. After every links and steps he wrote a few sentence description. So you just have to follow what he wrote and you can earn more money.
Content 8/10: Firstly i have to say, its not a short ebook - 12 pages. This it's not include fake informations. He included everything what will helps to you.
Originality 8/10: The originality of this eBook is really great and i think its not so known. Is evident that the author had put a good amount of effort into researching this topic before he wrote.
Price/Value 10/10: The price is low for this ebook. So if you want a great way to earn more money online, you have to try this method too. It's working, and im sure it'll works in the future too.
Overall Ratings: 8.5/10