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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Raule


  2. are prea multe rotatii pe minut, sa-i bagi acolo un failed packet ceva ?
  3. imi recodezi si mie masina de spalat ?
  4. Bad combination of colors.
  5. Sido ii femininu de la sida
  6. There's a way when you enchant the weapon with the packets you add the restart packet too so you will not be banned :D
  7. Bine ai facut ;D
  8. fixed already
  9. Acu ce am venit de la scoala
  10. 1527 posts in spam topic
  11. Io-s cu borcanu lu carbon in casti.
  12. Cand ajung acasă.
  13. Cand ajung acasă.
  14. Cand ajung acasă.
  15. Si io am facut 1500 posturi in spam topic
  16. Si io am facut 1500 posturi in spam topic
  17. Told ya i just started+ i use beer instead of mana.
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