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Everything posted by Raule

  1. ti-e destul
  2. Hey dude, i dont share my girlfriend..gtfo.
  3. prin gmail
  4. ia vezi daca intelegi ceva
  5. Salut...aiurea, ascult muzica.
  6. The text from shirt looks edited for me.
  7. HEy Chandy wazza?
  8. a folosit google translator..
  9. a folosit google translator..
  10. Just came from school.
  11. Wanna be dekarmed? He just help us. Cleaned, warned.
  12. Ok.. warn him.
  13. So what's up guys ?
  14. Ti-am sters postu, si cred ca daca ma pun sa ma uit peste posturile tale iti sterg jumate din ele ;D
  15. ptr asta..http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=113551.msg933304#msg933304 Scrie si tu cand ai ceva serios de spus..
  16. Cand vin acasa rezolvam.
  17. Cand vin acasa rezolvam.
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