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    Justice for the innocent

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  1. I bet even a 2-year-old could write better code than this crap
  2. @Maxtor@Celestino The administrators of this forum can access everything I've sent... Your move won't work on me. Hahahaha! Getting into the parameters and editing the HTMLs of websites and claiming it's real used to be really cool among true friends. @jtos So, is this also true? Your joke still hasn't been better than mine. Hahahah!
  3. The administrators will say if this is true. Even a 2-year-old child wouldn't fall for my trick. Hahahahah....
  4. Go and delete that before a newcomer sees it. Believe me, you haven't banned me, because you still use primitive banning techniques. I'm having a lot of fun with you.
  5. @Mobius Your words are fantastic; I've never seen so much crap come out of just one mouth. Every time you try to explain yourself, you show even more that you're nothing but a natural-born scammer, a deceiver of innocent people. - worst part isn’t even that... You go and buy a project that’s supposedly sold as 'premium,' paying several dollars or euros for crappy code made by his friends. Then, after 2 or 3 days, the fixes are leaked by those same friends. There’s a rumor that this is done on purpose so that newcomers keep buying and continue being scammed. That might be a lie, but it could also be true. I prefer to believe it because there’s plenty of evidence against this lousy scammer.
  6. Your desperation brings me great joy. Scammers like you should suffer greatly, and everything you endure, no matter how little, will be well-deserved for deceiving innocent people. If this forum is as bad as you're saying, why are you still here? I know why—it's because here you can trick innocent people and sell your dirty project.
  7. And once again, he's back, with a mouth dirtier than a sewer. These are the true words of a mediocre scammer who uses big nonsense to create shit projects.
  8. Stay calm, very soon you will see everything; in fact, everyone will. Keep believing that it’s all a lie from me or lies from someone else. I really want you to make everyone believe that I’m lying, trying to scam someone, or even selling malicious code in private projects to prevent leaks. Soon you’ll have a little surprise and will be very "happy" I want you to talk a lot, search for all the words in the world to try to explain that everything you do is honest. What else do you have to say? I wasn’t going to say it, but since you’re so worried about the evidence I haven’t presented yet, there’s even more information about you that will soon be leaked, and yes, I will take action. And of course, you’ll never know who the person is or what will be leaked. As I said, at the right moment, everything will be clarified.
  9. I'm absolutely sure that guy on L2jbrasil must be one of your buddies, part of a corrupt scheme. I know you very well and know that you'll do anything to forge evidence and make yourself look innocent. It's so commendable that you're in a complete psychological breakdown, with severe mental issues, struggling to find words to defend yourself and simply failing. The only thing you manage to do is insult the very people you claim to help. You are a complete maniac, a racist, a corrupt individual, and a fraudster. I am extremely calm and know how to wait for the right moment to gradually expose your filth, deceiving people with rotten content stolen from other developers. And of course, you're going to say it's all lies because you still have many more scams to pull off, don't you?
  10. Yes, I insist on exposing your dirty, corrupt, and deceitful work to the entire world. Very soon, an even bigger surprise will arrive for you. You will be very happy.
  11. As I said before... In the past, it would have been worth buying their private projects, but time passes and people become corrupted. People who act with racism toward others don't deserve respect.
  12. @BruT I believe the one who should leave is you, since I created this topic. Go back to school, it will help you understand discussions between adults. And don't forget to change your dirty diapers.
  13. @BruT At what age did you stop going to school? How can you be so idiotic? In many countries around the world, calling someone a 'monkey' is a crime. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing Mobius' desperation to defend himself by using insults and revealing who he really is.
  14. @Moebius Bem, bem... O grande paladino, o poderoso deus-rei todo-poderoso de L2J, decidiu aparecer para soltar suas verdadeiras palavras de insultos e racismo contra os outros. Acredito que, de fato, os administradores não tolerarão isso.@Maxtor Cada palavra que você diz mostra exatamente o quanto você é um imbecil, um golpista que engana as pessoas e vende códigos fraudulentos para indivíduos inocentes. Sabe o que ainda é melhor? Aqui neste fórum, você não tem poder sobre as opiniões dos outros. Que outras palavras você tem para insultar as pessoas? Estou aqui para ver você chorar e chamar por sua mamãe. Você é um verdadeiro covarde que engana pessoas inocentes sem conhecimento. É mais fácil para você enganá-las dessa forma, não é? Talvez isso não seja novidade para todos, pois muitos podem ver que você faz isso o tempo todo com as pessoas do seu grupo do Discord. Acredito que você atrapalhou meu conselho de começar um programa de comédia na TV porque, a cada dia que passa, você é mais como um palhaço. Um palhaço golpista, é claro. Você está caindo em um abismo sem fim, e eu estou adorando. Fraudadores e golpistas que enganam pessoas inocentes ganham prejuízo. @BruTAgora, quanto a você... Sinceramente, não sei quem é Gabriel. Ele deve ser outro idiota como você e Mobius, enganando alguém. Vocês são todos tão tolos a ponto de acreditar que tudo o que está acontecendo é por causa de apenas uma ou duas pessoas? Claro que não. Muitas pessoas já foram vítimas dos golpes do grande mestre da fraude de código malicioso. E alguns tentaram falar e revelar gradualmente quem é o verdadeiro fraudador. @Móbius Agora, quanto a essa informação... Tenho quase certeza de que esse cara que você diz ser eu devo ser outro idiota como você, tentando manipular algo. Seu nível de estupidez não tem limites!
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