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About mikesoda9

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  1. cool server, will try, but kinda sad that max enchant is +21, that's a bit too much and will for sure turn the server into saggi server only, lower the enchant system make it more logical! GL
  2. people are paying close to 5k for websites? what!? man, take that money and put it towards your server, advertisement, development, etc, you think players care that much about how your website looks like? they just want something they can come to download the game, register an account, and a discord server on the side
  3. well, damn, one would believe that having such a big community of talented people that we would be over with this chronicle but damn, I guess you're right, no ones working together tbh, I guess i was viewing it from the wrong point of view, everyone wants to make money, its not like its open source and everybody is working together to perfect it, otherwise this shit would be done already, thanks for the reply and the insights tho.
  4. I've been a lurker for many years here on maxcheaters, I've read and followed many posts about server developments, our beloved Interlude chronicle is 18 years old, a teenager, and I have just one question, haven't we fixed all the bugs already? it's 2024! how come on every project out there there's talk about bugs? is it really that hard? (not tryna sound cocky it's a genuine question) after so so many years of work on that chronicle one would expect that we are just improving things at this point, but no... bugs?!
  5. squash farming with full reflect buffs bishop and I remember I used to wear low armor? or non at all? and that made them eat a lot of damage back? something like that
  6. total waste of money, they don't bring many people, like max 20 people come from those sites, I think good server advertising comes from the players and the clan leaders and word of mouth, most PvP interlude servers I join nowadays that launch with tons of people are nowhere to be seen on the top ranking sites etc.
  7. I remember I used to be obsessed with this server when I was a kid, I felt like everybody I knew was playing it, it was probably the most fun I've had with this game and it's pure nostalgia for me, I don't know about you guys, do you remember white eagle? A lot of people talk about L2 Pride but they never mention L2 White Eagle, and I feel like it was one of *those* servers that left its mark to our hearts too, or maybe it wasn't as popular as I remember it and I'm just delulu. anyway, what happened to it? anyone know anything about it? *anything* literally, any inside stories? whatever information comes to mind. Cheers. up
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