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Everything posted by babilius

  1. lmao u are the same spammer as he is. To topic: Very useful and nice share, ty :)
  2. i get message that i bought +65000 items, but in inventory i still get with +0. So i think it's just client side thing or smth
  3. I just can't stop laughing, amazing cheater
  4. get a life. P.S. i used this exploit for several months by now, and thnx to u this will be fixed -.-
  5. i did that with deposit system, how did they fix that withdraw and deposit?
  6. LOL, i made over 150k fa in 3 days with some bugs, however can't login to l2inc. They say that i didn't get ip banned, but however i can't login to desperion. I made server to lag by using bugs to create FA, and i believe that there are lots of people doing the same, that's why server lags so much.
  7. It sure works on very big servers. But on other hand, it's like normal enchanting, just a chance that u'll be lucky to do this right and get that ,,safe enchant". I'm still trying to master this technique, but it's kinda hard :/
  8. Lmao, it's safe enchant! U want all newbies to have maxed stuff??
  9. very nice exploit ;) ty
  10. So topic says it... Is there a script for l2phx or other program to enchant? If so, please say here.
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