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About LORd_RiVE

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  1. I fail to see a share link anywhere except for nice screenshots.
  2. It's garbage because you don't like that you can't ask for money for something that is publicly available for free and it works perfectly. Nobody cares what original files remain in there, as long it works fine and does not bother anyone except your little eyes. Yeah thats your personal opinion based on purely your feelings. Every file can be modified with that Dat Editor i just linked. So your point is moot again. Dude, you came here to advertise your client which you sell for money, talking shit about a system which is publicly available for free and it works just fine. As i said, sure yours may be cleaner and cooks nicer coffee, but you're asking money for it from every single person who needs it. You and me both knows no system folder worths $70...
  3. Yeah it's a working 287 patched system which works with the server files somewhat. Sadly the server files won't let you go further than the server selection screen though. So feel free to add it to your collection. Then share it, instead of reposting your nice screenshots of a client nobody else can access to because you want to sell it instead of sharing it. I understand you're proud of being able to edit clients but either be straight about it and clearly state that you are not going to share it for free, or don't play with other people by posting only screenshots of it and expect people to beg. Also i don't quite understand what kind of quality work needed when that free dat file editor lets you edit the ip address and GG and awesomium is already disabled. Or quality supposed to mean only stuff you release is quality and everything else - even if it works just fine - is bad?
  4. You can keep your garbage and sell it to whoever is interested in it and willing to pay for it. You can easily edit the dat files with the clientDat editor from here for free: Yeah, i wasted 2 days to try to build a working server from those files and failed with every single so, so i got angry and deleted everything related to it. It's not worth the effort.
  5. Too bad these releases has absolutely nothing to do with the clients 166 or 162
  6. Okay, seriously, i wouldn't even dare to call this a server share & files topic, since not a single person managed to share a working client which can be used with the server files which are also long long gone. Yet there are people who are posting screenshots of their clients being ingame, yet not one of them managed to share at least their system dir or something. So here's the link from a guy who at least reshared most of the files which got shared on ragezone during those 22 pages long discussion from Fryye. But seriously, this is just a pathetic, @irk for example has a working system directory with killed gg and whatnot, yet couldn't even share that.
  7. It seems quite straightforward. You set up the database connection info in the ini file, add the databases into a lin2premium database and run it, and hopefully the game server will connect to it. When i have time later today i'll check it out myself. Okay, so, i checked it out, but it seems it does not works with Glory Days, since the port number is different and even if you change it, it seems like the packets are different and they don't communicate properly with each other. IIRC it's from Gracia Final and they switched ports and communication logic since then.
  8. Apparently It is called Premium store but it's actually controlling the L2 Store button inside the game. Also i searched everywhere on this forums but couldn't find any pack which had this Premiumserver.exe which runs on 10100 port. But i found a zip(Vanganth_Source_GF.rar) from this forums which seems to have the files to compile the exe, but since i'm too lazy to install visual studio just for this, there's no luck having that exe. Thats why it's an empty panel when you open it ingame. Also i don't really understand how can anyone share files like these guys but pretty much 80% of the shared links are dead and nobody gives a shit to fix them or reshare them. Which is sad.
  9. The link in the initial post works just fine.
  10. Well, whichever superpoint.bin i checked every single entry has delay=0 in it, so.... Also it shouldn't affect the game too much, or at least as far i could check nothing is broken even if every delay is 0.
  11. My superpoint.bin is 3.7 MB the final latest one converted from the superpointinfo.txt from this pack. Yours is 2.3 MB As far as i know the superpoint info only defines the parts where npcs and mobs can walk around the world froim one point to another, and has nothing to do with GeoData itself. The errors are from the Geodata not the superpoint.bin or it's differences. The only errors you could get from a bad/missing superpoint info is causing npcs and mobs to be stationary. For example in the starter village almost every npc should walk around and do their business. Children should play with balls and such and random animals and monkeys should jump arond and play. if the superpoint.bin is partial or wrong then they won't move around at all. Also the geodata files are definitely different since this pack has 233 files while yours has 230, but i have no idea which one is better or worse.
  12. I have no idea about global chat, but the auto loot does work for me, or at least some items are automatically ends up in the inventory while others are not. (adena and those buff items stays on the ground)
  13. Okay kids, so i had some free time on my hand, so instead of doing manually all the superpoint stuff, i wrote a converter which turns the superpointinfo.txt into a superpoint.bin. So here's it, try it out, but as far as i could see it works properly. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yosV2UBuosZRpGTVZhjF9apacM__YMpk/view?usp=sharing
  14. Strange, the superpointsinfo.txt i have from this pack is much bigger than what you just posted, and there were only a single duplicate superpoint in it, the rest are slightly different coordinates on the z axis. But yours is definitely missing like 6 superpoints compared to the one in the "original" release. Nevermind, i just found the duplicates too
  15. Nice! You guys are amazing! Anyway so far i managed to fix the following missing paths: si_esagira_guide01 2620_godoarkan1_guard3 sf_metucellar_line si_esagira_guide02 2620_godoarkan1_guard1 2620_godoarkan1_guard2 si_wang_road01 si_wang_road02 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nftWPjSweS2Vqg1bU4XmiBOsG_S1u7FF/view?usp=sharing If i have some time i'll continue and post a new link. My GeoData seems to be proper, since all of the mobs and npcs are walking around doing their stuff. Autoloot also works just fine too.
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