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Everything posted by adossantos

  1. Send by pm ur skype and we talk about what u have in x100 exilium and prices ok?
  2. Hello guys, I trying to buy adenas at l2 exiliumworld x100 h5, i wanna buy adenas like Trillions if someone have. Or i buying. Set vesper foundation heavy +20 120 Set Light Elegia +20 120 And valakas +20 Pay by paypal.
  3. Cheap price and fast, trustable.
  4. sas
  5. add skype: deviantftw
  6. I cant send pm is showing error, do u have skype?
  7. Hello folks. I wanna buy a dagger class ++ skils, ++armos lv7 light armor, ++weapon cd preference mamba single CD lv 7 and jew bos +16/20 Just write here if u have to sell. Skype: deviantftw face:https://www.facebook.com/Alexctasy @ paypal Regards
  8. i send you pm lets talk about price for all this.
  9. Guess no one sell a good dagger at l2 tales, with skils ++ noblese and subs, don't care if is gh wr or th. Just need a dagger,
  10. Cannot start pm And i dont know why, i dont like to play as titan but u can listen me by PM, all items u have and prices please.
  11. Hello guys. I buying at l2 tales, char th lv 85 full sub and skills ++ Armors + weapons sa + and epic jews. Leave pm or message here and we talk. @paypal.
  12. Hello guys, I buying Armors S like, draconic set, major arcana and IC at server l2 euro pvp x100 interlude. By paypal. Skype: deviantftw or leave ur message here and u contact u.
  13. Hello. I buy Vorpal Light set +20 lv 7 + Boss jews +20 full + mamba edge+20 300 CD and char dagger lv full subs + skills +20 /30 PM me if u have some. @Paypal SKYPE: deviantftw
  14. Let me ask you how you have balls to give adena first than payment?
  15. How many adena u got ? PS: This guys is recommended!
  16. I have PS3, and only 1 game :) Fifa 2012 Enough for me :)
  17. If u interesed i have interesting things at rpg club, what char u have on dex?
  18. This guy is recommended, yesterday made some trades sucessfull.
  19. This guy seems like scammer, it's not recomend buy adena from him.. Try another one but do not buy adena from this guy. Be careful, is my advice.
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