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Posts posted by L2Review

  1. This seems like it would be effective against actual bots, but you only show how anti-bot works in town.

    How would this work if a real player has a train of mobs or killing Raid Bosses with minions?

    Stop everything and run to 3 different markers? Will a real player be able to see or run to markers if mobs are over them?

    There has to be a balance between effective anti-bot protection and how much it interferes with the game play of real players to be considered successful.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Celestine said:

    they gone because we updated to the latest IPS Version so these modules stopped working.

    so prefix chronicle "rules" should be edited?


    If server does not have to post date to open LIVE server .. what is difference between

    [Previews} Private Servers and Private servers?

  3. On 2/1/2022 at 11:55 AM, AquaCommunity said:



    We strive to offer the best servers ever.
    The Lineage 2 of your dreams, come true.
    We love our server, and we hope you do so too!

    NOTE: L2Aqua is a Network that means we will host multiple servers!
    You can check the current server list here :



    etc_exp_point_i00.png EXP/SP: x50    etc_adena_i00.png Adena: X50   

    XuzP3l7.png Drop Chance: X50   XuzP3l7.png Drop Amount: X3

    skill0348.png Spoil Chance: X50   skill0348.png Spoil Amount: X3

    sfnPVJj.jpg Safe Enchant: +3    aeOOM0X.jpg Max Enchant: +6   

    etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i05.png Normal Scroll Chance: 66%    etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s_i05.png Blessed Scroll Chance: 66%

    JjHt7G2.png Macro Glitch: Activated    nlLgJL0.png Spiritshot LAG: Activated

    NO   Pay to Win
    No premium buffer, you can't pay for equipment.
    We value fun over money!

    NO   Under The Table Deals
    Everyone have the same treatment from the staff.
    No secret deals or hidden donations.

    NO   Bots
    Multiple unique layers of protection.
    We are doing the best we can to get rid of botters!

    NO   Autofarm
    We believe Autofarm ruin the essence of Lineage.
    You will have to earn your Items and XP!

    NO   Dual Boxes
    This way every class keeps it's own value,
    and at the same time you can focus on your own character!

    NO   Skins
    You don't have you download extra MB just for the skins,
    and now you can see the items of your enemy while having higher FPS!

    NO   Mana Potions
    Instead we have out of combat regeneration
    This way mana plays a bigger role in balance!

    NO   Epic Instances
    Epic instances remove player interaction.
    Zaken, Freya, Tezza and Tiat instances have been converted to global epics.



    100% Retail game-play with few changes on the economy and balance
    Our balance have been carefully made over the years on our retail server named L2Skirmish which had the same settings,
    a BIG thanks to every person that helped us improve our balance, you're THE BEST!

    DDoS Protection
    Our DDoS protection will keep us safe!
    We will keep updating it over time so it can get even stronger!

    In Game Drop Database 
    You are not sure where to find the drop you need?
    No problem, you can use our in game database and find every mob that drops it easy and fast!

    Modern Community Board equipped with everything you will ever need
    Do you want to buy an item, do you want to buff yourself, do you want to find a clan, or maybe register your castle for a siege?
    You can do that through our community board ( ALT + B )!

    THE BEST H5 client equipped with our own Interface
    Our patch is only 122MB but it contains everything you will ever need!
    Check the full list of the Interface Features HERE


    LIVE DATE: 27th of May
    BETA DATE: 10th of June

    Our Server is still in Alpha Stage but you can expect our Beta server really soon!
    Our Alpha Stage is Open for anyone and you can download our game and log in at any time!


    Useful Links:

    Thank you for reading,
    Here's a kawai potato for you!


    Should fix your BETA + LIVE Dates on main post. It is what ppl see first.

  4. On 5/5/2022 at 10:28 PM, splicho said:

    You know that Invision Community has limited features when it comes to automated moderation?

    With all the God-like devs here, this should be possible🤣

    On 5/6/2022 at 2:18 AM, Maxtor said:

    why to delete live servers after e0 days?


    The purpose for these sections are:

    preview and review. people can comment about these servers and discuss. 

    if a server is closed it should be locked not deleted for future reference.

    I don't know what e0 days is..but if server ads are deleted after 30 days, then server owners will need to make new topic = server still online+active..not offline+dead.

    The purpose of these sections should be to attract players. 90% of comments about servers is "Good Luck with your project" from admins/mods of MXC. Nothing players give a shit about or discuss.

    No player gives a shit about comments on a closed server or a server older than 30 days. Keeping these old, offline servers makes MXC look like a 3rd world country.. like topg.org or itopz.com = Empty of interest.

    Active, online servers will attract players. More players = more advertisement paid by server owners. Make server owners that list their servers add MXC link to their website. Advertise MXC as place to find active servers, server help, cheats...on facebook, discord..etc... it is so cheap to promote and I see nothing..

    The focus should be attracting players. They will bring revenue to MXC and its members.

    Also, this can be a start for a vote site or server MXC has discussed in the past.

    You want to grow MXC then take action to attract players. You want MXC to die..do nothing.

    On 5/6/2022 at 12:26 PM, 911reg said:

    That's false, while it may be true that some old comments are useless, there are also old comments that are really useful, whether they're related to said server or not. Also, saying that 'if a topic is old it should be deleted' is stupid af, since that's the reason why the 'bump' button exists. And i doubt you'd be retarded enough to be looking for servers that opened 5 years ago and haven't been bumped ever since.

    Negative comments are allowed, as long as it's not just trashtalking bullshit but a constructive comment.


    Let's look at these stupid af comments:

    1. "Thats false..while it may be true" .. stupid af comment. Nothing false can be true.


    2. "there are also old comments that are really useful, whether they're related to said server or not" .. stupid af comment. If comment is not related to server it is useless and should be deleted.


    3. "Also, saying that 'if a topic is old it should be deleted' is stupid af", Where I ever say this? complete lie + stupid af comment.


    4."Bump" button bumps topic with original date.. outdated servers  = MXC look outdated


    5. Since negative comments are allowed: Stop making ignorant responses.

    Constructive : Make intelligent responses.


    I hope you appreciate how nice I am being to you. I won't be again kiddo.




    • Haha 2
  5. 46 minutes ago, Amenadiel said:

    He is Dev at discord , his old user might be Grankein or something similar! Ask mobius for this guy, also he trades l2scripts complete with source in a trade for smartcrypt or 300? Doesnt this sound as scam? Ban me in my balls theres nothing that you can provide for banning me, even another member agrees @911reg that this guy is a fraud

    I know nothing about all this..but "ban me in my balls" is just too funny to ignore!

  6. My intention is to offer suggestions to make Maxcheaters server advertisement compete with topzone/hopzone/l2network/l2oops..etc...and to bring server owners/players that go to those other websites to come here.

    That is why is I have these recommendations:

    - Change the [Previews] L2 Private Servers to "COMING SOON SERVERS"

    - Change Private Servers to "LIVE SERVERS"

    - Move Lineage II Private Servers section to top of main page

    - Delete offline servers from Private Servers . Only have fresh online servers listed.

     You want to keep old offline servers because of comments? Most say "Good Luck"

     Keeping these old, offline servers make Maxcheaters look old and un-managed.

    - If server owners want to add server then they must be a premium member or list Maxcheaters link on their website + discord. This is required to list a server on other websites.


    i went to Facebook groups, and there are at least 10 servers opening next week not listed on the other server websites that could be listed here if the server owners knew about Maxcheaters. They are mostly Brazillian server owners, but all can be messaged directly with Maxcheaters link very easily. Same with VK and attracting Russian server owners.

    Make an agreement with Russian server websites to advertise there website on MXC for free if they allow Maxcheaters to advertise on their website for free. Maxcheaters has more to gain with this proposal.

    This is all an effort to bring new members/players here which will be beneficial to entire community. New server owners/players will now see they have a place to find the newest servers, get info/buy developer services  to start/fix their own server, new place for server owners to advertise, new players to become members or find cheats..so much more than topzone/hopzone/l2oops and the rest have to offer.

    I posted this in the "SUGGESTION" section because that is all this is.

    No need to get angry or emotional.

    Maybe use some of these ideas. Or throw throw them all in the garbage.

    It's all good. These are just suggestions.

  7. 9 hours ago, Maxtor said:

    why to delete live servers after e0 days?


    The purpose for these sections are:

    preview and review. people can comment about these servers and discuss. 

    if a server is closed it should be locked not deleted for future reference.

    Server listed from 2 years ago may have had so many changes that none of the comments are valid. Server might have new owners, different concept, and updates. So old comments are useless.

    Also, these sections are for server owners to list their servers and members to go play. What is point if so many are offline?

    Negative comments are not allowed anyway, right?

    Lastly, I think you should have to be a Premium member to list your server or for any member make a comment in these sections.

  8. Change name " [Previews] L2 Private Servers " to "COMING SOON SERVERS"

    Change name " Private Servers " to "LIVE SERVERS"


     In "COMING SOON SERVERS" section, require a "Grand Opening Date"(add calendar option?). If no "Grand Opening Date" = server will fail to post.

    AUTO-MOVE server from "COMING SOON SERVERS" to "LIVE SERVERS" after "Grand Opening Date" comes.


    In "LIVE SERVERS" section, make topic(server) AUTO-DELETE at 30 days. This will allow server owners to create a new topic(with current date) and give new info if their server is still online. With this process, the servers posted in "LIVE SERVERS" are actually online.

    Right now, 99% of servers in "Private Servers" section are offline.

    • Like 1
  9. Some friendly advice for your 50x server. I think you have too many currencies and too many NPCs. Maybe keep currency to adena, ancient adena, medals, donate coins. Combine menus from 10 NPCs to make 4 or 5 NPCs. Players are confused running around where to farm all these currencies you have and then trying to find which NPC to take them to.

    Good luck with your projects.

  10. On 3/24/2022 at 9:29 AM, Perfomance said:

    Is it possible to somehow tear out the interface from the patch? There protection just stands, or maybe you have such an interface for someone ?.

    Patch from l2epic.fail such an interface lobby there

    Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/iMgl3H4

    🤣🤣 you are asking for a way to "steal" the interface from EpicFail on the forum of the creator of the interface 🤣🤣

    Here are the answers to your questions:

    1.L2EpicFail uses Lucera2 files

    2. The interface is a custom interface created by the Celestine(Co-Administrator of Maxcheaters). It is protected so douche bags won't copy it and Celestine + Spectre can sell their product.


    If anyone were to copy it and use it without Celestine's or Spectre's consent, I am sure would regret doing so.

    I don't think there is anything more to say on this topic. Good Day.

  11. 34 minutes ago, @echo said:

    Hello everyone.

    I've built a server based on how enjoy playing the game and it's currently running in a testing phase.

    It's an x20 bot friendly intelrude server, with some minor customizations to spice things up and perhaps my attempt provide something "different".

    I am not here money and I don't have the notion that the server will run with 500ppl forever. 

    The server will stay open without being wiped, as long as I can make even 1 person happy. 

    I understand that some of you might just read the features and start explaining how it sucks or whatever. As I mention earlier it's how I like it and it is meant to be for people with similar taste. I respect your opinion but at the same time I don't care, so please don't waste anyone's time. 

    The server will be in it's current testing phase for a couple more weeks and then I will just wipe it and lunch/ publicize it.

    For those of you who will bother to check it out, let me know what you think.




    Ps* I am not looking for gms, mods etc. 

    Check out https://l2limit.eu

    It is 20x interlude server with similar features and allows botting.

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