With which tool do I open this file?
I want to switch the logo to this without editing the ugx file?
With which tool do I open this file? I want to switch the logo to this without editing the ugx file?
I want to add more armor in god patch but the texture doesn't show.
f_Kamael={{[Lineagecustom19.fkamael_ctc_m010]};{[Lineagecustomcat.fkamael_ctc_t00];[Lineagecustomcat.ffighter_ctc_t01];[Lineagecustomcat.ffighter_ctc_t02];[Lineagecustomcat.fkamael_cat_t03]}} f_Kamael_add={{{[];108;95};{[];119;95};{[];108;95}};{[];[];[]};[]}