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About santress

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  1. Look for the connection one is login server and second..... ? http://i42.tinypic.com/2itltzo.jpg
  2. First spam post here.
  3. Can you explain how to do it ? :P i dont know even what it is ;d
  4. nice thx
  5. working now :P
  6. ty for share good work
  7. Gameguard and checkig filesize of engine.dll bypassed but still l2w dont work ;s
  8. up up up up
  9. then where i can find clean system folder of l2earth ? ;p
  10. We need to change size of orginal engine.dll from 28mb to 3.6mb. Iam preety sure that server checks a file size, but i dont know how to decerase the file size if its possible.
  11. Meaby problem with hosts,i will try today with l2w +l2asrv or we can proxify connection from system with original engine.dll to system folder with not edited engine.dll. No more ideas ;p
  12. You can just send me a pm too :P but iam on a good way to bypass [i think so]
  13. i saw some ppl botting on that server bypass is possible
  14. is anybody bypassed it ?
  15. We need to edit dll [if its possible]: nwindow.dll That library contains instrucion about blocking api [nProtect], correct me if iam wrong. quote from wikipedia: Is there any process of gamemon.des ? @Owned91 Tell us how you disable the nProtect and meaby we help you with next steps to bypass it.
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