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Everything posted by ChaosMaster

  1. Worked! I finally did it! Please check your PMs!
  2. Thanks for the reply but that's an alternative! I wanna change this from client!
  3. Hello guys, I need some help with Interface.u modification. I want to replace the Adena word with my own item name: Any ideas? Thanks
  4. This time it was as expected. Good job Frank & Versus, at least opening was good and keeps going. I can see PVP everywhere, and only some mobs missing on some zones maybe you need to spawn more.
  5. Good luck with this project, I will check it out for sure.
  6. wtf name is this, u must be jking
  7. Wow the new DeathWhisper looks amazing Frank! Very good job you did there! Finally server is not like 2009, but much more modern and with new systems! I'll be there!
  8. Interlude No Custom PVP - http://l2pvp.us - 1ST NOVEMBER!

  9. ► l2dread.com ==> NEW UPDATE - INCREASED ALL DROPS - EASY FARM!

  10. ► NEW UPDATE - INCREASED ALL DROPS - EASY FARM! http://l2dread.com/forum/topic/130-changelog-1372015

  12. We do not ddos anyone lol, what the fuck are you talking about? Thanks for your comment! We appreciate that!
  13. Still up and running! Join us! 300+ ONLINE! Massive PVPs and amazing sieges!
  14. l2dread.com - 300+ REAL ON - JOIN NOW!

  15. l2dread.com - 300+ REAL ON - JOIN NOW!

  16. If you really want to resolve this contact us on skype: l2dread.com
  17. Have you tried repair character from account manager NPC? You can also contact us to resolve it.
  18. This is our latest patch in order you misssed something: https://www.mediafire.com/?6dp9ptbcn8sfh39 Why you can't connect?
  19. l2dread.com - 300+ REAL ON - MASSIVE PVP

  20. l2dread.com Patch: https://www.mediafire.com/?6dp9ptbcn8sfh39
  21. Server is running without issues! I usually avoid answering to haters, if you're talking about the offline shops, they exist on every Lineage 2 server out there and that doesn't make L2Dread a bot server. Moreover, we are active all day and checking/cleaning. Thanks
  22. Try again now, if it still happens please add us on skype: l2dread.com Server is up and running! Grand Opening's Record was 288 real players! Thanks everyone for the support, here you can download our patch: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6dp9ptbcn8sfh39/Patch+Version+1.rar
  23. L2Dread is online! You can download the patch here: http://l2dread.com/forum/topic/70-patch-version-1-uploaded/
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