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MagelanGudkov last won the day on February 16 2024

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  1. One more build copy were sold! Result: 4 source and 10 builds.
  2. Good day! Dear friends, our project is for sale in its entirety, with everything it has, domain, assemblies, sources, groups, dedicated server, audience, database, modules, etc. Upon purchase, the owner receives the domain Global-Game.su already extended until 2025 (it was possible to extend it for 1 year, we would extend the domain for 5-10 years in advance), all our updated website designs, the latest version and revision of our builds along with source, High Five, Remastered High Five and Reworked High Five. A dedicated server extended until 2029, for 5 years, which can run up to 7-8 servers at the same time, the audience, all players, supporters of our project will also be with you if you manage the project correctly, and of course, a discord group, where there is so much players are present! The reason for selling the project is lack of time, but if someone does not offer a decent and adequate price, we will not sell the project. The project will continue its work, as we said, without wipes, but also without administrators; only in emergency cases can we appear, solve the problem and leave. Previously, there were offers to purchase the project, but we did not sell. Until March 10, we will look at your offers and prices, then we will decide what to do with the project, but I repeat, if someone does not offer a decent and adequate price, we will not sell, the project will continue to work! For real buyers, there are still many dimensional nuances that can greatly attract your desire to purchase the project! All the best! For purchasing contact me: Telegram: t.me/magellanjg Discrod: jacob.gudkov
  3. One more build copy were sold! 4 source and 9 builds.
  4. 2 more build copeis were sold! Result: 4 source and 8 builds. We are also announcing a new discount! When you purchase the source code, you are given the h5 source code and as a gift you will receive a free h5 remastered source code, you will also receive VDS for 6 months anywhere in the world of your choice, a free domain, basic advertising for your project + minimally paid advertising! If you buy a build, you will be given a VPS for 1 month, a free domain, basic advertising for your project, free design for your website, we will set up your server as you want, we will make a good cb for you, in a word, we will create an L2 game server for you! The discount is valid until March 1, 2024!
  5. 1 more build has been sold, result: 4 source and 6 builds sold. We remind you that our builds are protected and will not hit 3 persons; if they do, then these 3 and other persons cannot run them even on a local computer. Also, one of our clients asked to make a video about what kind of bots we have. In these videos we showed some of the abilities of bots (fake players). https://dropmefiles.com/aiS6O https://dropmefiles.com/G3ZOg https://dropmefiles.com/Sj9DN https://dropmefiles.com/euY4M https://dropmefiles.com/izaCN
  6. Some people ask how the purchase goes, what is the guarantee, etc.? The first stage is when the buyer is interested in our product, we will answer all his questions and open a test server. Next comes negotiations on prices, terms of purchase and sale. The next stage is a video call, we will communicate with the buyer (if they want it), they transfer money and receive our goods. For those who do not want to communicate via video call, we will send him an archive with a password, they check all the files, transfer money and receive a password for the archive. And also, no joke, if someone else wants to dig deeper, I can give him my addresses, he will come and pick up his goods, at the same time travel and launch his own server)) I’m serious))
  7. Another source was sold for -10% discount and one build for -25% discount. Result: 4 sources and 5 builds were sold. The source will be sold to one more person and will never be sold again!!! but we can sell the build as much as we want. Hurry up to buy the latest source before January 5th with a good discount!
  8. One more source sold, total: 3 sources sold. We are also announcing a -10% discount on both the build and the source! The discount is valid until January 5, 2024
  9. 2 sources/builds have been sold (we remind you that when you purchase source, build are given free of charge with all the settings, etc.) and negotiations are also underway with one person to create his own project. After completing our work, with the permission of the owner, we will put a link to the project here. By the way, after the publication of this topic, many wrote to us and 90% of them are not specific buyers and bother us for no reason. Please, do not bother us for no reason, write only about business and if you are a specific buyer.
  10. Hello everyone! We are selling a unique High Five server that has been developed for years and is still being finalized and has not been launched anywhere except our projects. We guarantee you that all backdoors, critical bugs and errors have been fixed and all minor errors that have been found to this day have also been fixed. The server has full working locations, working quests, instance zones, a full working community board, bots that cannot be distinguished from real players, multilingual mode (ru and en), various services and other mechanisms, absolutely with full finished configs, custom services, antibot protection on the server side and on the client side, in a word, you take it and launch your project. Many new things have also been added to the server, armor, weapons, that you can run both the classic server and the server with the additions. One of the unique developments of this server is bots that are 99.9% created and developed like real players. On this build we kept 800+ live players (350+ from them unique players, the rest their dualboxes) and 2000 bots, almost 3000 players without any problems and errors. Features of these bots: 1. Write in chats, all chats: general chat, shout, trade, clan. You can change, add, delete the chat text at any time 2. Walk, go to npcs, kill / attack mobs, attack players, attack pvp / pk. 3. Can pvp, pk, participate in Events. 4. Invite in clans. 5. Can teleport, use items, walk in the towns. 6. Can show in the statistics. 7. Can equip / unequip items weapons, accessories, armors. 8. In a word, these bots are 100% implemented as real players. And the most important thing is that you can control them and control them the way you control real players. We will also teach you how to operate it the way you want. Soon I will show you in a video some of the abilities of these bots! When purchasing, we sell you the files that are currently running on our live projects, that is, a completely ready-made server that you will buy and launch your project. Prices: 1. Build. A completely ready Build for launching your project, with configured, community board design, rates x10,x25,x50,x75,x100,x1200, various bot files that were created throughout the life of the server and all other files that we have developed and modified to this days Also: 1 month free technical support, free learning bot management, free learning server details that you don't understand. Without IP binding, without online restrictions and also without restrictions on the number of bot launches. Price: 990$ 2. Source. We are ready to share with you the latest version and revision of the server source, with all the files and changes that have occurred until today. Price and your conditions: Negotiable. Besides this we have Remastered - High Five and Reworked - High Five build/sources, which are also unique in their kind and were developed through many sleepless nights and launched only in our project, you can come and test by going to our project, the link will be at the end of the topic. We also present you with a service about creating your unique project from scratch (using our servers) and will help you realize your long-time dream for little money, but a high-quality project! Price and your conditions: Negotiable. Test servers are not available to everyone, but we give you a link to a live project so that you can go and check everything without any interference or doubts. For real buyers, of course we will run test servers with all administrator rights! Link for testing observations: http://global-game.su/ or https://global-game.su/ For purchasing contact me: Telegram: t.me/magellanjg Discrod: jacob.gudkov
  11. Website Description of the server Unique High Five - Reworked - Grand x50 We guarantee you that the server will be without: Wipes, Drawings, Shadow donations, 🗣 Empty promises! No donation shop! Free PA at server start for all players! New unique farming zones! Absolutely free server! New unique systems! New unique instance zones! ☣ Absolutely balanced races/classes! Olfa +6 for reposting and joining our Discord group! Don't trust us, but check! OBT: November 11! Official start: December 2 at 20:00 (Moscow time)! Description of the game server: http://global-game.su/grand.html Reworked_Wiki:http://forum.global-game.su/index.php?threads/reworke.. Details about other promotions and events on our discord channel: https://discord.gg/Mx3rwd6
  12. WWW.GLOBAL-GAME.SU VALHALLA X10 - DESCRIPTION Unique High Five - Valhalla x10 We guarantee you that the server will be without: Wipes, Drawings, Shadow donations, 🗣 Empty promises! No donation shop! Free PA at server start for all players! New unique farm zones! Absolutely free server! New unique systems! New unique instance zones! ☣ Absolutely balanced races/classes! Olfa +6 for repost joining our Discord group! Do not trust us, but check! OBT: August 25th! Official start: September 16th at 20:00 (Moscow time)! Game server description: http://global-game.su/valhalla.html Details about other promotions and events on our discord channel: https://discord.gg/Mx3rwd6
  13. GLOBAL-GAME.SU Unique High Five - Strength "Refresh 2.0" x50 Earn real money! We guarantee you that the server will be without: Wipes, Drawings, Shadow donations, 🗣 Empty promises! No donation shop! Free PA at server start for all players! New unique farm zones! Absolutely free server! New unique systems! New unique instance zones! ☣ Absolutely balanced races/classes! Olfa +6 for repost joining our Discord group! Official start: July 29th at 19:00 Moscow time! Game server description: http://global-game.su/str.html Details about other promotions and events on our game forum: https://forum.global-game.su/index.php
  14. GLOBAL-GAME.SU Description of the server Unique Remastered - High Five - Ethereal x50 We guarantee you that the server will be without: Wipes, Drawings, Shadow donations, 🗣 Empty promises! No donation store! Free PA at server start for all players! New unique farm zones! Absolutely free server! New unique systems! New unique instance zones! ☣ Absolutely balanced races/classes! Olfa +6 for join to our Discord group! Official start: March 31st at 20:00 GMT +3!
  15. Website Description of the server Unique High Five - Battle x20 We guarantee you that the server will be without: Wipe, Drawings, Shadow donations, 🗣 Empty promises! No donation store! Free PA at server start for all players! New unique farm zones! Absolutely free server! New unique systems! 10 - New unique instance zones! ☣ Absolutely balanced races/classes! Olfa +6 for the repost! Official start: August 27 at 20:00 GMT +3!
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