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Posts posted by lockerakos

  1. He bought my freya pack for 15 euro. and then he used his paysafecard to riot games (league of legends). dunno if there is any kind of punishment but beware of him guys!


    here is the proof of where he spended the card


    Riot Games, Inc

    20,00 PLN

    20,00 PLN


    thats the pin of the card you can check it and alone 0328-3460-1800-1532


    and some conversation from msn

    29/2/2012  9:46:22 μμ      Ολοκληρώθηκε η μεταφορά του αρχείου "Server Freya.rar".

    29/2/2012  9:13:13 μμ  dionyshs thanos  Mateusz Mariusz  you are spike?

    29/2/2012  9:13:39 μμ  Mateusz Mariusz  dionyshs thanos  y why?


  2. 344z7nb.png


    Hello there,

    I am here to show you my Freya pack with some nice features for a server with a great stability!


    So, you can check my Freya pack below.



    * Class balance system enabled

    * Custom start title

    * Quick info for newbies

    * Welcome and vote pm on start

    * Disabled progressive enchanting system

    * Enchant rate is reduced on each next enchant (More infos on msn or by pm)

    * Powerfull antibot system

    * Soe PVP protection

    * PK guard protection

    * Show online players

    * Custon clan leader color name

    * Hellbound

    * Low level pk protection

    * PVP color system

    * Vote reward

    * GM shop

    * Buffer

    * Gatekeeper

    * Events: Hind and Seek, Last Hero etc.

    * Full Quest

    and some more...



    If you want you can add me on msn: dionyshs_t@hotmail.com

    or leave a reply here.

    or by pm.


    Freya pack files + source + backup(if u need it). price 25 euro


    PAYPAL preferred.

    PaySafeCard will cost you a bit more.




  3. ti mou proteinete na parw gia 1o mhxanaki? (100-125cc)


    thelw na einai kalo kai dunato. den me endiaferei kai polu h taxuthta apla na einai a3iopisto xwris na xriazetai sunexeia service ktlp.


    skeftomouna kati se honda supra h modenas.


    ti mou proteinete?:)

  4. Hey there,


    A dude is always abusing me and my friends by facebook creating fake accounts and sometimes from the phone...i tried to find his phone but i couldn't achieved it.So, is there any way to track his ip from facebook or from emails or?


    sorry for my English


    thanks in advance:)

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