ty for this
em new in movie making and want to ask if you have some free time
can u make some guide with screens and explanations about how to add in movie some cool special effect, music and stuff like this
EvaTemplar/Titan is sick char just try it if most of u main enemy clan/allys are archers u will own them in all big pvps
dynasty set full buff + guts + deflect arrow 4 + Guard Stance + Aegis + Shield Fortress + Ultimate defense + titan defense skills = 15k p def. !!!
Just go in middle of the enemy formation UD ans spam hate aura (with bishop heal ofc.) max dmg you will take is 90-120dmg depend on archer and his bow, meanwhile u clan/ally will do they job to pwn them easy ;)
SR with dyes for +str - Con + tatoo for atack power +rapid fire become pretty decent char with good dmg, atack speed, crit. and one big + very good in mass pvp and sieges
Hawkeye is most balanced and easy to play noobs like him a lot xD
but for me SR in good hands pwn all