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Everything posted by h0m3us3r

  1. I thought about doing that, but could bet there is a better way. But actually, after trying it for myself just now it seems to produce pretty great results! Just one question though: how do I force the client to render the entire sector (increase the render distance)? Right now the edges are getting clipped.... Also, the grass is all weird and brown...
  2. deMEV, the God of maps himself! How on Earth did you make such gorgeous maps (not talking about the custom maps, just radar maps)? (if you don't mind sharing after all these years that is)
  3. I am looking for a "Radar" map for Interlude. Something like this Kamael one, but hopefully a lot more high-res. I tried playing with Pawn and Unreal Editor with hopes of stitching my own, but couldn't make it work due to the fog. Anyone knows a source/method for obtaining a map like I want? Or worst come to worst, how to disable fog in Pawn/UE so I could "render" one myself?
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