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About Operatorius

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  1. @badboy2000is a scammer, his name is stefanos katsikis, he was selling items in l2 reborn, he got my money and I didn't get nothing for them. His PayPal stefanosgfff@gmail.com He was laying that he will send items for like 3 days. And now he deleted his discord. Don't be stupid like me, and don't believe that piece of shit. If you need any proofs I have all screenshots from chat.
  2. @badboy2000is a scammer, his name is stefanos katsikis, he was selling items in l2 reborn, he got my money and I didn't get nothing for them. His PayPal stefanosgfff@gmail.com He was laying that he will send items for like 3 days. And now he deleted his discord. Don't be stupid like me, and don't believe that piece of shit. If you need any proofs I have all screenshots from chat.
  3. WTB s grade and epics in reborn x1 pm with offer
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