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Everything posted by KhandaClub

  1. Hello, Warrior! We have not seen you in Elmoraden for a while. Get back soon, the world needs you. We have prepared special gifts, so you enjoy your journey of a returning hero. One-time charge during the maintenance on the 1th of June Conditions: Account last inactive less than 00:00 pm 18th of May Way of assessment: "Hero's Support Box" gift has been assessed to the inventory of the returning hero`s character with the biggest amount of experience on the account (1 for the account). Experience is calculated by the main character`s class. More info: https://khanda.club/forum/topic/243-offer-get-back-and-claim-your-reward/?utm_source=mxc
  2. We did a server Classic with interlude and h5 content, just in case you want to look around. We still small but the community is growing every day. https://khanda.club/l2/about
  3. Hello everyone, With the compromise to keep this project fresh and a constantly improved project, we are releasing the New Horizons Update. The New Horizons Came with some breaking changes, we know that Interlude Pure content is not balanced enough, any Lineage 2 Retail Update was in fact. This update came with the objective of valuing some classes that we are not seeing in the game, people have preferred magicians and Titan due to the interlude content just because they are a bit OP and competitive. We brought some skills from H5 to our scenario, we adapted the frenzy so that Titan is not able to kill a Baium alone, for example, in return we brought the Stigma and gave Warsmiths the ability to improve their armor and weapons, too and we gave a little life to healers and bards (song/dance) with new PvE skills. The rogues (daggers) also received hide so that their role as a killer is fulfilled, but we also detected it so that archers with their enhanced vision are able to detect these slippery enemies. Tanks have learned to use their shields in an offensive manner and a little help to be able to solo with enhanced PvE skills. Check more about inhttps://khanda.club/forum/topic/96-khan ... -horizons/
  4. The Khanda Club Streamer has been launched! The Khanda Club has prominent positions for disseminating the broadcasts of our players and streamers. Join and show your broadcasts to all players in our community on our website , social media, discord and forum. How it works? We have a reward system that benefits you, streamer. To join, simply become an official Khanda Club Only transmissions made within the Khanda Club server will be valid. Playing other servers is not eligible under the rewards plan and may be removed from the list of streamers on our website. The reward will be given in the form of Vip Coin (donate currency). To be eligible for the reward the player will need to replay for at least 7 days. As the days are added, the gains will be greater. For example: With 7 days of stream, you will receive 20 Vip Coin. With 15 days of stream, you will receive 50 Vip Coin. With 30 days of stream, you will receive100 Vip Coin. Conclusion: in 30 days of transmission, you earned 170 Vip Coin. See the example below: Important Not all candidates will have their channels displayed on our website. We will do a selection process that will take into account the following rules: The selection order will be for users with the highest number of views No selected Streamer will be entitled to stay in our advertising spaces for more than 30 days. This will ensure that you do not benefit too much from other players. After be approved you will receive access to the Streamer Painel Do you want to become a streamer? To join in the program please visit https://khanda.club/l2/streamers
  5. The web site displays unique characters logged in the last 24hours. We have an international community that has different times to play, so we decided to track all users along the day. Why not speak about the good things uh? 5 access points (1 main + 4 Proxies) 10gbps bandwidth Last generation Hardware Military Grade Network. 24hours support 1500 active players every day, avg 300 players online at once. Non donation oriented server Friendly Community Active social media We are doing our best, but you can continue to talk nonsense, we have many players to say the opposite =)
  6. Haters gonna hate always. I so sorry if you cauldn't enjoy it, the server was made with soo much care to a comment like that put us down =) You are one, against 1500 players that login int our server every day .
  7. Just some pictures from yesterday day routine of our players
  8. Nice to have good feedbacks from our community, this is a PvEvP server, we hope you all enjoy your stay in our server! Cheers
  9. A new journey will begins ! Hello, brave adventurer ! You have already accomplished various feats in Elmoreden in the past. Would you like to try the Interlude version of the game in a modern game client? It`s not just an interface, its the updated game client with 100% of Interlude PTS content and it can grow in the future with more content from another chronicle. The 1st server of Khanda Club, Khanda 7x Interlude, bring you back to the old days of the truly classic gameplay: All classic races, no ertheia or kamaels, no floating continent of Gracia, the Antharas and Valakas Rule immortals and is the Cursed Emperor Baium rest forever in their lust tower of Insolence. The four sepulchers hold many treasures and dangerous threats. The Forgotten Island of primeval lay plenty of Shilen creatures. All this and more is waiting for you to conquer and slay. We are not just building a server to open and close, we are starting a new lineage 2 community and we want to make the better for this amazing game, keeping it alive and running as long as we can! See you at https://khanda.club Facebook | Discord | Instagram
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