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About Schweppes2106

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  1. The only proof its the skype chat, i didnt posted cuz you guys cant do nothing. 3 days agi I posted here that i m selling items from L2gold.in , and that guy added me on skype, didnt pm on this forum.I though its the real one city, never though for a scam. After i realize i got scammed, i saw that this profile name was digitaldemurg And one more thing to mention: This guy its a profesional scammer, we made 2 trades, 1st trade was the most expensive. And i forgot to put an usless jewel and he told me "why you didnt put the jwl?" i forgot, then he traded me and give all items back and he force exit game , telling me he dont have time for guys like me! He used this strategy to trust more and more on him . He knew how to talk, was friendly, but after i traded again all items, he stop answering me to skype msg or call, not even read anything...
  2. Hello everyone. I was scammed by "citygamer" with a full character on private server L2gold, worting more than 1k euro. I feel so sorry bcoz i was not carefull. I searched the profile on mxc and other website and everything was cool. But after i realize i was scammed , i research again and saw the fake skype profiles. Please, every one ! Be more carefull when sell your items, triple check if needs
  3. Hi, i got 29k gold and aq if need. Or i can sell aq for gold . Do you need gold anymore?
  4. Sell items on l2gold.in server More details on skype : Schweppes2106
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