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  1. I searched, but did not find anything sure that some code is missing, I had been editing this source, but I did not find a solution in the "Services" of the Community Board, I will leave, you sad because the pack is well assembled. I looked everywhere and couldn't find any solution either :(
  2. where is the html of that file? have if I manage to solve.. :D Does anyone fix ALT + B> Services or at least know where to edit the community buttons other than the client's?
  3. I am testing the table to search academy it works very well I leave a photo and the sql of the database was missing that I finished creating and testing it and it works perfect! bypass _bbsShowAcademyList SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for character_academy -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_academy`; CREATE TABLE `character_academy` ( `clanId` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `charId` int(11) NOT NULL, `itemId` int(11) NOT NULL, `price` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `time` bigint(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 5, PRIMARY KEY (`clanId`, `charId`, `itemId`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of character_academy -- ---------------------------- SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; Result: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since I have a question how do I solve or change the buttons on the community, Service does not work and I would like to change so that something else appears, is that understood? sorry for my inglish XD
  4. sooo goooodd! anyone have table character_academy? throw me error and I don't have it :/
  5. here you have the rank pvp save it in sql file and insert it: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `rank_pvp_system_options` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rank_pvp_system_options`; CREATE TABLE `rank_pvp_system_options` ( `option_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `option_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `option_value_long` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `option_value_string` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `option_description` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`option_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of rank_pvp_system_options -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_options` VALUES ('1', 'top_update_time', '0', null, 'If option_value_long = 0 then on server start top list will be updated.'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `rank_pvp_system_pvp` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rank_pvp_system_pvp`; CREATE TABLE `rank_pvp_system_pvp` ( `killer_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `victim_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `kills` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `kills_today` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `kills_legal` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `kills_today_legal` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `rank_points` bigint(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `rank_points_today` bigint(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `kill_time` bigint(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `kill_day` bigint(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of rank_pvp_system_pvp -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `rank_pvp_system_pvp_summary` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rank_pvp_system_pvp_summary`; CREATE TABLE `rank_pvp_system_pvp_summary` ( `killer_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `pvp_exp` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `max_rank_id` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `total_war_kills` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `total_war_kills_legal` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`killer_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of rank_pvp_system_pvp_summary -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward`; CREATE TABLE `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` ( `id` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `item_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `item_amount` int(10) NOT NULL, `rank_id` int(4) NOT NULL, `is_pvp` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false' COMMENT 'true or false', `is_level` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'true' COMMENT 'true or false', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=43 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of rank_pvp_system_rank_reward -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('1', '57', '1000', '1', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('2', '57', '2000', '2', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('3', '57', '3000', '3', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('4', '57', '4000', '4', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('5', '57', '5000', '5', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('6', '57', '6000', '6', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('7', '57', '7000', '7', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('8', '57', '8000', '8', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('9', '57', '9000', '9', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('10', '57', '10000', '10', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('11', '57', '11000', '11', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('12', '57', '12000', '12', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('13', '57', '13000', '13', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('14', '57', '14000', '14', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('15', '57', '15000', '15', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('16', '57', '16000', '16', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('17', '57', '17000', '17', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('18', '57', '18000', '18', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('19', '57', '19000', '19', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('20', '57', '20000', '20', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('21', '57', '21000', '21', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('22', '57', '22000', '22', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('23', '57', '23000', '23', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('24', '57', '24000', '24', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('25', '57', '25000', '25', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('26', '57', '26000', '26', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('27', '57', '27000', '27', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('28', '57', '28000', '28', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('29', '57', '29000', '29', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('30', '57', '30000', '30', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('31', '57', '31000', '31', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('32', '57', '32000', '32', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('33', '57', '33000', '33', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('34', '57', '34000', '34', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('35', '57', '35000', '35', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('36', '57', '36000', '36', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('37', '57', '37000', '37', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('38', '57', '38000', '38', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('39', '57', '39000', '39', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('40', '57', '40000', '40', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('41', '57', '41000', '41', 'true', 'true'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_reward` VALUES ('42', '57', '42000', '42', 'true', 'true'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `rank_pvp_system_rank_skill` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rank_pvp_system_rank_skill`; CREATE TABLE `rank_pvp_system_rank_skill` ( `id` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `skill_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `skill_level` int(10) NOT NULL, `rank_id` int(4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of rank_pvp_system_rank_skill -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rank_skill` VALUES ('1', '1323', '1', '2'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `rank_pvp_system_rpc` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rank_pvp_system_rpc`; CREATE TABLE `rank_pvp_system_rpc` ( `player_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `rpc_total` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `rpc_current` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`player_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward`; CREATE TABLE `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` ( `id` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `item_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `item_amount` int(10) NOT NULL, `rpc` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=11 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('1', '57', '1000000', '10'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('2', '57', '10000000', '100'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('3', '57', '100000000', '1000'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('4', '6622', '1', '10'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('5', '5592', '100', '10'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('6', '1538', '100', '10'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('7', '6577', '1', '50'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('8', '6578', '1', '25'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('9', '6569', '1', '30'); INSERT INTO `rank_pvp_system_rpc_reward` VALUES ('10', '6570', '1', '15'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `rank_pvp_system_top_table` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rank_pvp_system_top_table`; CREATE TABLE `rank_pvp_system_top_table` ( `table_id` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `position` int(6) NOT NULL, `player_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `value` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of rank_pvp_system_top_table -- ---------------------------- anyone have the tournament.ini? goes inside config / mod thanks and sorry my english: D
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