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Everything posted by madios

  1. Don’t even start play on this server! Total garbage with corrupt admin, free items for clans, hide donations, p2win system. Admin opens his servers once a week. Don't be surprised if the server closes with wipe in a week to re-open new one. Not playable project!
  2. 1) donation list ultra low, this is smallest store I've seen 2) offline for premium only on big towns like aden/gdd, all other towns/villages - FREE for all 3) prof quest retail way 4) yes rf is x3 server, why ppls need be full in first week? its low rate interlude, just find other server with high rates x50 with full buffs better 5) giran empty lol? maybe you log on other server, but rf full of ppls there Just Nekys banned many players who used adrenaline, they try to spamm billshits everywhere :D it's funny to watch :D
  3. you got ban for botting? you mean its not "retail" on 2020 y? :D y i think its not retail too on 2020 ban bots :D
  4. you still spam this shit lol Everyone know, 1 report for player on raidfight and admin check him in the game & his char logs and gg perma ban. sad.... maybe you can't unban your bots and now mad adrenaline user :D cya! oh, wait, your bots banned :( bb
  5. 1k+- with bot ban policy
  6. lul nice bullshit with 0 proves , i think nekys banned all your bots and you mad now :D go play on full bot servers not rf :D
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