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Everything posted by rockk

  1. so i found the lines in the god lineageeffect.u that i wish to add in the freya one, now how to paste it right? so these luines i want to add in the freya lineageeffect.u , these tell the game where the staticmashes of the animations are, how , or better Where to add, i added them at the end of thelines, no effect in game, no error, but no effect... help :/
  2. i decoded lineageeffect.u then in binary, asci i searcherd for respawndeadbolean cant find what the heck :(
  3. where is respawndead bolean, i cant find that raw in utpt.exe in lineageeffects.u :? and when i change lineageeffects.u only from god with the one in freya, some skill vampyric claw for ex stays looping forever omg i hate myself
  4. omg, very nice, but my issue is i dont understand where the hell some skills in the lineageeffects.u like vampryic claw are defined, i mean the time of them. because when i use lineageeffects.u of god client replace the freya one, some skills effects, like vampyric claw ALWAYS STAY after casted, and keep looping, never go away as they should. this is the freaking hickup i cant get over with over 1 month... nobody seams to be able to help rly ...
  5. ok, i solved lots of things, the only 1 thing remaining is i dont find the skill time controller in .u file , what controls how log a skill effect stays in the game world, for exemple vampyric claw, when cast a red wing appears on enemy head. now, it doesent go away, never, how to make it dissapear? only few skills are like this, rest all work good... :(
  6. ur table allready exists in ur database , delete it in ur db and do again what ur doing
  7. i saw that in unreal u can just make a batch file and decompile the .u file into .uc file and open it with unreal edit to see the script decoded. i think if i could do that with both god and freya clients lineageeffects.u i could just copy paste the script part of god into the freya one and recompile it ... :(
  8. yes, i found all ok, the problem is u need lineageeffects.u to tell where the weapons are, so i need to use goddess .u file, but if i use, skill animations effects are bad, the effect never goes away, vampyric claw stays forever, untill restart client. that is what i cant solve, omg no programmer here ?:((
  9. worst is now raid bosses epic ones, like queen ants , dust trail remain behind them forever...
  10. anybody knows what the hell controls skill time? i try to add skill effects from lineageeffects.u god to freya, and some skills like vampyric claw never go away, their animation stay untill client is restarted.
  11. why using hex? i tried today it s rly hard... as in no result, i compared the 2 .u file of god and freya, they have nothing in comun except first 2 rows in hex code, so no help... .u files are script files, seams they are coded, i need to decompile them to see the scripts... i researched , it s unreal script file, some said unreal edit openes them, it doesent.. damn i only need to cut a part of goddess lineageeffects.u file to the freya one, that s all... no programmers here? probably takes 2 min for someone who knows how to open them, pracitcally is cut and paste operation...
  12. hello, i m trying for some time now to addapt between god and freya client skills efects. so if u take lineageeffects.u file from god and put it to freya , is all ok, except some animations of skills and mobs (for ex vampyric rage) when cast on an enemy, always stay there, not on the enemy, but where that location is, untill u restart game. how can i solve it, i tried lots of ways, now i m reading hex editor tutorials, this cant be so complicated... plz help..
  13. i opened lineageeffect.u file (from god) with utpt.exe, now i want to take some parts of it and put it into the lineageeffect.u file from freya. how can i do this? how can i edit .u files? i cant find a real editor anywhere, utpt only lets me to view file parts. i need this because in freya the skill effects of god (vampiric claw for ex) stays on top of the enemy s head for infinity instead of dissapearing. , i m dizzy been up all night trying to solve this. all i want is to add a category into the freya lineageeffect.u file from goddess lineageffect.u file
  14. i opened lineageeffect.u file (from god) with utpt.exe, now i want to take some parts of it and put it into the lineageeffect.u file from freya. how can i do this? how can i edit .u files? i cant find a real editor anywhere, utpt only lets me to view file parts. i need this because in freya the skill effects of god (vampiric claw for ex) stays on top of the enemy s head for infinity instead of dissapearing. please help. sry for wrong section, i m dizzy been up all night trying to solve this. all i want is to add a category into the freya lineageeffect.u file from goddess lineageffect.u file
  15. lol this is crazy i still cant find god weapons animation nowhere (r99 bow, hero weaps anim, etc). how the f did they do it?
  16. how did u solve the moving textures weaps? pm me (for ex r99 bow)
  17. where are the weap effects stored,those wich are written in the weaponsgrp.dat files (lineage_C2 ,etc) ?
  18. it s easy just modify in the databse and gameserver , dont forget to add in skilltrees, new skills for new class, etc. 4th class is just like 3rd class, nothing special, except stats &u can find those in char stats table.
  19. it s not like that, in godess there are changes in staticmeshes, and they give mismatch size game client error
  20. hello, i want to add r / r95 /r99 grades to weapons under hi5 client, i set in weapongrp.dat instead of 7 (s84) to 8, but in game it doesent show the grade icon, allthough i have symbols.utx in systextures from godess. they are in rgba8x16 format just like the s84, but it wont show, any ideea why? Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  21. yes but those effects are in lineageeffect.u , wich i also use, and also looked inside it cant see nothing related to hero weapons (altarvenus for ex). like i ve said, in the lineageweapons2.utx in systextures the animations texture is there just like for others 256x256 fromat dxt3, everything it s in it s place as it should...
  22. nobody can make a tutorial or guide how to make usx files from staticmeshes from godess compatible with freya? it gives size mismatch error now :/
  23. then how come in godess client they show up ok? and how could the .u file be linked to a weapon , and wich file would that be ? in the godess client it shows up right, animated, all ok, i also used values from godess in the weapongrp.dat , where the coordinates are, still no use. i suspect it has something to do with the fact that for ex, the 1h blunt of hero has 3 rings that float, allthough the 2nd texture is only 1.
  24. oroshi, have u managed to add animation to hero weapons??? i m trying for 2 days now, for ex hero staff mage , or hero blunt mage 1h ...
  25. i tried with the godess hero staff but the 2nd texture now, the animation seams it s not even there, i m suspecting those numbers are some sort of coordinates and miss place the 2nd texture the animation, but it s just a guess... 0 6616 3 1 15 5 0 LineageWeapons2.R97_ReitermirrorCane_m00_drop LineageWeaponsTex2.R97_ReitermirrorCane_t00 LineageWeaponsTex2.R97_ReitermirrorCane_t01 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 icon.weapon_the_staff_of_hero_i00 -1 1300 47 0 0 0 1 7 4 1 LineageWeapons2.R97_ReitermirrorCane_m00_wp 2 2 LineageWeaponsTex2.R97_ReitermirrorCane_t00 LineageWeaponsTex2.R97_ReitermirrorCane_t01 4 ItemSound.mace_1 ItemSound.staff_2 ItemSound.spear_6 ItemSound.spear_9 ItemSound.itemequip_weapon_staff 20 511 337 2 5 4 4 0 0 0 325 0 1 1 1000 0 1 0 LineageEffect.e_u092_f 32.50000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 LineageWeapons.rangesample 1.79999995 1.50000000 1.50000000 18.50000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 i tought it must be smt with the coordinatest but it s not, i put instead of 30, 15 and only the glow is showed moving down, but the second texture is NOWHERE! wth look
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