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Everything posted by extatik

  1. Hello everyone, i need little help, Server interlude, trying on clean system lounch phx maybe someone know where is the probelm when i choose server, in charachter select i get dc? :)
  2. the link is http://l2.trancegaming.com/freya/noticias_leer.php?id_noticia=20 but q is how do you find servers, just go random checking or use some programs like xcode smth like that?
  3. http://www.l2lamb.com.ar/?pagina=rank&o=pvpkills
  4. Thx, but one q. How can i decrypt pw from db? For example i get: user_password=$H$9i4.0FjDeW12tLFdft4aXFgH96zYVP1
  5. If i choose SQLserver, than get Null, when i push to get DataBase it write done and nothing happens. But if i choose on Null get table it search for long time and find lot of subnodes in chinese languege. My q is can i get dabebase in this way, because its searching now for few hours.. :) ?
  6. Do i do something wrong, because when i do as it said and showed in vid i cannot sell or trade lure only delete.. help :)
  7. Ok i dont know is it working in other servers but in l2java.com (5000x)(interlude) +1000on its work. Ok i will try to explain. So find sitting person who is buying for ex LS 76lvl open phx and write this code: 96 2B 59 02 10 01 00 00 00 2D 0B 01 10 26 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 27 B9 29. you must to edit marked numbers 1code: target your victim and you get action packet in phx take object id and put it on red . 2code: Select your SS and click right mouse button on phx you get UseItem take object id and put it on green. 3code: You need to get items ID so go in you lineage2\system folder and open itemname-e with l2FileEdit++. Now you must to find Item id Which your victim is want to buy. When you find it go to phx converter write your code in Dword when you get phx code write it on blue section. 4code: Now look for how much your victim buying item. Go on phx converter write In Dword price get code and put it on pink section. Thats it. target your victim and send code you will sell for him 1 soul shot for 300kk even if he buys LS76lvl :) Sorry for my english.. :)
  8. First read, then write.. As I sayd interlude.lt using same dl server files, and all stuff works there as it worked in dl.
  9. i would be very thankful :) waiting for your post how to do it :)
  10. wtf? i dont understand what you want to say.. But if you mean that there work for e.x 2).Dupe,MultiProf you are wrong it fixed long time ago;) DL is going to be down for few weeks but you can try it on interlude.lt with 800+on its same l2j files n ull see that it doesnt work ;)
  11. There are a lot of dupe ways. Which did you ment is with action packets or which?
  12. Not anymore... alot of servers fixed it.. :(
  13. Hello, can someone help me. When i try to connect on server with phx i get message different protocol version and then DC. Server is c6. If i try in clean system it just dont connect. Any ideas ?
  14. in settings choose t0-interlude intercept settings tick on use LSP driver. Tried just 5 min ago ant it worked ;)
  15. Just tried with newest phx everything works perfect. http://l2ph.coderx.ru/arhive/ download it from here.
  16. Try newest phx didnt have any problem..:)
  17. maybe someone know good servers where its work with big on ? for example like L2ex.lt +450on totally danation server ;)
  18. Hello, maybe someone know how to fix problem: when im using l2phx I get wrong packet names for example when i try to mark my self i get packet name RequestPrivateStoreBuy Server client is Interlude
  19. U need to get that person from example weapon objid, than u dont need to do trade :) u just need to invite him to party :)
  20. it works, but not at all servers :)
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