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  1. Hey. Yes, there's two ways to do it, and with both of them you will need to set a timer. 1) Save once the desired actor as variable ( not a local one ), the variable will keep updating for you so you can get the updated location. I wouldn't recommend that since it will cause critical errors once the "clearthetrash" function is called AKA teleporting / restarting etc ( address related most likely ) . 2) Instead you can save the difference vector of the desired bones at the start ( You can skip this part if you don't care about the accuracy of the position, you won't need it for the damage but for something like the cast bar I made ) and just get the location from the userinfo of the desired player for the timer. Pretty much that's it, the rest is math stuff you will have to do.
  2. It does what the name says, it takes a world point and makes a screen point. I could attach stuff on my character with that, such as damage or the cast bar. H5 doesn't have support for that and it's all thanks to the world to screen function.
  3. Which part? I can help you understand.
  4. -> Get your characters actor -> Use this actor to get every dynamic actor around your character. -> Filter and get the desired actor. Now with that you can get : -> The coordinates of the BIP01_HEADNUB of the desired actor in the world -> Get the coordinates.origin which is the position of the bone in the world ( vector ) ~~After some testing I could get access to interaction class properly and unfortunately clients worldtoscreen function doesn't work. SIDE STUFF THAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR OWN WORLD TO SCREEN -> Use your characters actor, get the level and then get the PlayerController -> Use the PlayerCalcView which is inside PlayerController to get the camera location and rotation -> Get the FOV of the game, which is 60 -> Also you will need to get the screen resolution, but you can do that easily from the given interface functions. And now you have everything you need to create your own world to screen function. Good luck with the maths! Example of what you can do with that: https://youtu.be/iMxLytXVX74
  5. You have to modify the armorgrp, check the dark crystal robe or tallum line and then adapt it to the armor you want. Good luck.
  6. Hey! Just sharing my stuff before I format, I won't ever use them again sooo... why not. There's some images and videos: https://imgur.com/a/yUkNTAO video Interface code: [Hidden Content] If you're missing textures download this patch and search for the missing files: [Hidden Content] Keep and the game alive and Have fun! By Hubris/Anolvaio and Copyleft/Lime.
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