i passed all phases - but as soon as i log on OOG i got disconect there - i get list of players around me etc. but im being disconected
l2fork report:
23:59:30 - Proxy GS connection->Add to queue
23:59:30 - New pair
23:59:39 - Local:Unable to read data from the transport connection: Istniejące połączenie zostało gwałtownie zamknięte przez zdalnego hosta.
23:59:39 - Remote:Unable to read data from the transport connection: Operacja blokująca została przerwana przez wywołanie funkcji WSACancelBlockingCall.
23:59:39 - Removed a gameconnection
exception translation:
23:59:30 - Proxy GS connection->Add to queue
23:59:30 - New pair
23:59:39 - Local:Unable to read data from the transport connection: existing connection has been closed by host
23:59:39 - Remote:Unable to read data from the transport connection: Blocking operation has been interupted by calling method WSACancelBlockingCall
23:59:39 - Removed a gameconnection