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  1. it doesnt work, maybe it got fixed
  2. yea..u just summon it near the doors u wanna walk through and it goes through..in the castle too
  3. wery nice thank you man
  4. didnt know that, thankx ;)
  5. it actually works with a pet too..buff the pet with reflect damage..flag with it use a blade dancer to medusa dance it then attack the rb with the mage and after it kills u goes after ur pet because its frozen but it still hits it..it gets like 20k dmg back ;)
  6. ty..worked on mine
  7. ty now i can annoy some people
  8. lol yea it works :)
  9. or just press ctrl+enter and u can open as many boxes as u want ;)
  10. thx wery much man
  11. not working :(
  12. cant wait to try it :)
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